Busy day today. Last night I started on Judy's recipe for
King Cake, then I finished it this morning. Mine is not as pretty as Judy's, I think it looks like a strange caterpillar, and I didn't have the purple sugar.
My cousin, his wife and MIL were here from Texas to visit, so met over at my sister's and dad's for lunch. Of course, I brought King Cake and a salad. Had a great visit. Although our families were born here, over the years we are scattered, like most families, and I miss having more relatives close. This afternoon the mail came, and I had a package. Oh boy, I won some lotto blocks!! Okay, it's not like I NEED the blocks. There are 27 blocks, and I had 22, so that makes 49 blocks! So now I need a "plan". But won't think of a plan today, my brain is too tired.