Sunday Stash Report

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Nothing finished, no fabric BOUGHT this week, so I'm still -28 yards! But when I got back to my "summer mailbox" it was stuffed full. Hey guys, no fair, I'm sending YOU fabric! Too funny! Thank you everyone! And since I didn't BUY this fabric--heehee--it's not going on my stash report!

I received a LOT of fabric from pdudgeon--in my favorite color--green! Thank you!! There were FQ's, nickels, and noodles! They are going to be saved for a "me" project!

And from Nancy--a "Quilt in a Box" Christmas wreath kit, a handmade washcloth with a bar of delicious smelling soap (I'm hungry--I think I'd rather eat it than use it!) a picture postcard that she herself took, and a cute bag to hold it all. Nancy, you must know on my "to do" list is a shelf around the top of my sewing room to hold all my precious items like this!

There were more packages I received earlier, but I have them at home already. I am sure my Nebraska mailman is wondering "who is this woman??!!"


Stephanie D said...

How nice! Does Nancy live in Albuquerque? Because those look like local balloons!

Squishies are such fun to get!

MightyMom said...

ummm, I haven't sent you anything in awhile....sorry for falling behind!

Anonymous said...

so glad you like them! will see if i can get something more out later this week.