Yesterday I sewed the last two seams of the Scrappy Trips quilt--
Scrappy Trips |
I used a dark blue on all the blocks diagonally--its hard to see but I think it helps the diagonal movement of the blocks. I love this pattern and plan to make it again. For now its on the "needs borders" pile. Thank you Bonnie Hunter for this free pattern.
Last week the Pieces of Eight blocks were sewn together and added to the "needs borders" pile--
Pieces of Eight |
The wall was empty so I pulled out another project box and threw the 4 Patch & Squares on the wall--
4 Patches & Squares |
Needs a few more blocks made so I pieced more 4 patches. I worked on this project in the camper over the summer. When a project gets to the "needs the design wall" point I set it aside. Much easier to work on them when I get home. I see a couple zinger blocks but I think I'll leave them. Do you see a really obvious one? (Yes, its the diagonal striped one). Please see everyone's design wall posts at Patchwork Times.
Saturday I stash enhanced. I bought 34.5 yds. 31 yds from the sale table--all 50% off. Prices ranged from $6 to 5.50 down to 2.00 a yd. One 10 yard piece was $2.50@yd. These fabrics either coordinate with each other or with my stash. Remember that "needs borders" pile? My stash is low on anything for big enough for borders. I could piece more blocks and make quilts without borders, and I do--but these I felt needed borders. Never say never!
Weekly Goals--
Finish making blocks for 4 Patches & Squares
Pick borders for a quilt and sew them on
Make the binding at the same time
Play making more Rainbow Scrappy Challenge blocks
Count current Rainbow Scrappy Challenge blocks
Do you participate in the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge? Already I am planning next year's blocks. RSC is all about fun--digging through the scrap boxes looking for possible fabrics--who doesn't love to dig through their stash and scraps?
Each month I try to refold/reorganize a color or theme in my stash. The last few weeks I've pulled it out as fast as I've put it away! Even if your stash is neatly folded and organized--pull it out and LOOK at it. You've probably forgotten how nice some of it was. I found a few pieces I'd forgotten about.
There is also the "already ironed" pile of FQs and chunks. Nope, not folding it again!. I've started Billie Lauder's Faux Log Cabin. And there is another project that's been "on the list" for a while--those pieces will be used in that too. Those fabrics are going to be chopped!
Harvest is on hold for repairs. We're almost done and the weather forecast is great weather for at least another week or 10 days. I stress out over it so have been organizing and flinging from cupboards and closets. Today I moved all my spices and measuring cups. Flung some old glass glasses--I drop them so often we've switched to plastic. Bought long plastic baskets from the Dollar Store and hung them on hooks on the side walls of my pantry. Ken insisted I store them in alphabetical order. ROFL!!! Okay--my most used ones are not alphabetical--but the rest of them are. The cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves are all together. Several had duplicates and I pulled the extras for a "spice shoe box" to go on the shelves downstairs. These are just the small containers--ones like vanilla, baking powder, etc--that are not small and light are still in the cupboard in a see through plastic container.
Not sure what I'll be doing this week. I'm getting tired of cleaning out cupboards. Haven't sewed with 2Rs in FOREVER!