Monday, January 28, 2008
Judy asked "how do you feel about using your stash" and it made me think. I have gotten more projects done in the last few months than in a year. Why?? Is it that I had to count (and look for) them for the UFO challenge?? Or was it my personal goal of "you have to finish two UFO's before you start a new one". The Heartstrings quilt group with goals of get it done and donate it SOMEWHERE!!?? I'm not sure why, but I am having more fun finishing items than I would have shopping for fabric. It is much more satisfying!! My quilts will have a purpose--donated, given to a friend, etc. Maybe that is it--I lacked direction!! And I have realized I do not have to have the "perfect sized border" or "perfect fabric" to finish something. Less perfectionism--more finishes! What do you think??
Stashbusting report and Birthday Supper
Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's been a long day. I was going to spend the whole weekend sewing. Then I thawed a turkey out. A 23# turkey. And there's only two of us. So had a light bulb moment and since yesterday was my oldest sister's birthday--let's have a bunch of people over for supper to celebrate! (This way I will get rid of some of that turkey.) But that also means we have to clean, bake, and cook. Okay--that's fine. DH helps A LOT!! So tonight we had big supper, turkey, dressing, all the fixings and four kinds of pie. Yup, we are all full. And there is still turkey left. Darn.
Stashbusting report. Hmmm--total for the month. This is projects I finished in January, and just an estimate. Okay, I was surprised--are you ready?? 66 yards! Except for a border, I used only my stash. Yes, I feel good about it, some of that fabric I had forever!

A UFO is Found
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Yesterday I got brave and opened the door to the closet where I store UFO's. I found this bargello quilt. All it needed was borders, so off to the stash I shopped! There was enough of the multi-colored border fabric for backing too. I had totally forgotten this top was in there. I used Bonnie's scrappy bargello pattern, only I used two strips of each fabric to continue the pattern across the quilt top. All from my stash.

It was a good day
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Today I didn't finish anything, but got several things done. Pieced the backing for a chinese coins top. Sewed the blocks together on my apple green heartstrings quilt, it is now a finished top. And I measured out, ironed, and prepared the apple green top's backing. So it was a good day. Oh, all from my stash!
Sunday Stash Report
Monday, January 21, 2008
Stash Report--Finished Happy Quilt--5 yds. Finished Red & Blue Heartstrings Quilt--8 yds. Bought 5 yds of pastels. Do I feel guilty?? Nope!!
Pink Lemonade blocks
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Cold. Yes, I'm cold!! All I want to do is snuggle down in my bed. Yesterday and today I worked on the blocks I am going to swap with my best friend. They are a challenge!! No, they're not hard to make, they are not "my" colors. Pastels. I have 12 done. I need 48.
cold pink lemonade blocks

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Ahh--finished the binding and labels on the Happy Quilt and a Heartstrings Quilt. Not sure what I will do next. Start working on another UFO?? The block swap my best friend and I are doing?? Tomorrow is supposed to be cold and windy, I ran errands today so maybe I can stay home and keep warm!
Internet problems
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Oh, how I hate internet problems. Today the serviceman came and replaced my modem. I am no longer isolated! I have been hand sewing the binding on the Happy Quilt and a Heartstrings quilt. Hope to have them done and pictures taken in a few days. I also brought my holiday cactus up out of the basement. Had it in the dark for 6 weeks, hoping for a huge set of blossoms. Sigh Two
holiday cactus

Baking buns
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Today was quiet. Ken found a recipe in a magazine he wanted me to make--cheeseburger soup. And I made homemade buns. I use my bread machine to mix, knead, and raise--then take the dough out and make buns. One recipe in the bread machine makes a dozen buns. I am going to eat one with the homemade apple butter I made last fall. The Christmas party was fun, hey--free food--no cooking!! And I did get the "Happy Quilt" quilted today, maybe tomorrow I will work on the binding. Tonight feels like a good night to read.

Happy Quilt
Friday, January 11, 2008

Today I loaded the "Happy Quilt" so I can quilt it tomorrow. Tonite we have a Christmas party. I love this quilt, I think its very cheerful. And I had just enuf fabric, blue with purple flying dragons and rainbows, to make the backing. So the whole quilt is out of my stash!! Hmmm--3.5 yards backing, 6 yards for the front, and I'll need another 3/4 yd for binding. Wow--that makes over 10 yards from the stash. The batting was left over from another project also. This has been a good day!
Happy quilt

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Today I allowed myself to start a new project. I saw it on Annie's Quilting Adventures and is called a "Happy Quilt". It will be a chance to use up some I Spy squares and make a Linus Quilt. January is a good month to make donation quilts, and I plan to use every last minute! Here is the start of my "Happy Quilt".
Tale of Two Table Runners
Monday, January 7, 2008
Heartstrings Quilt
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Almost all the fabric used in these quilts came from my stash. Wow--not sure how to figure out how MUCH stash was used. This quilt is about twin size--so maybe 7 yards with backing?? And my friend Julia made the label!!
Heartstrings Quilt

Happy New Year!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year everyone!! It's cold outside, a good day to sew! Yesterday I quilted my "eyeball" top and today I am quilting "fishy fishy". A good start to the New Year and my UFO projects. We had a quiet holiday season. Now we can concentrate on NOT eating all those goodies! I am using up my stash, I get so much more done since I am not gone shopping!! January I will concentrate on a quilt for project Linus.
Happy New Year 2008

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