Sunday Stash Report or "Celebration Sunday!"

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Okay-first the stash report.  Nada.  Nothing changed since last week.

Bought this week--0.0
Finished this week--0.00
Bought Year to Date -34.35
Finished YTD 41.60
YTD  +7.25 yards

I lied.  On Friday I said I was going to concentrate on quilting.  Then I was looking for something under my sewing table.  Oh, there are LOTS of "things" under that table.  And I found some string blocks almost finished.  So I picked up the scraps from the floor, pressed them, and finished the blocks.  ;-)  So now I have a complete set of 30 - 12 inch blocks.  Plus a couple extra!

I even found some chunks of muslin under there to cut into the foundations! 

I love to garden.  But I'm not very good at house plants.  I have one.  A holiday cactus.  Now, it blooms whenever it wants to, sometimes it blooms in shifts.  Shifts?  I have four different colored plants in that pot.  A white with fushsia, a yellow, a magenta, and a red.  I'm not very good at house plants, but know that every so often you should "soak" the soil/roots.  I USED to put this plant in the kitchen sink, but it is too big for that.  So I talked Ken into grunting and lugging carefully carrying this plant into the bathtub.

It almost looks like aliens have landed in my bathtub!  And when Ken moved it for me, I found one fuchsia blossom you can't see.  It had been hiding in the back of the plant.  To soak it I just turned the shower on and let it run for about 10 minutes.  If anyone has any suggestions about care for this plant, please tell me.  I have tried the putting it in the dark basement where it's cool for six weeks.  Nothing happened.  This summer I left it on the deck all summer.  It grew like crazy.  It is now as big as the top of my treadle sewing machine cabinet.  My sister (who is a master gardener) says I should trim it back, but I am pretty happy the poor thing hasn't died yet.  It's just marching to the beat of it's own drum!

Tomorrow I hope to sew.  How has everyone else done?  I hope SOMEONE has some finishes!


Anonymous said...

Lori your string blocks look really good! i haven't made any of those in several years, but they certainly are great for using up the scraps. that cactus plant looks really healthy. i used to put my Christmas cactus outside during the Summer on the North side of the house, and then bring it inside to the pantry when the night temps got down to 40 degrees and it had started to set buds (Oct for us).
By December i would bring it out when it had set buds, fertilize it, and put it in an East window in the kitchen. it would bloom for a solid month.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Sorry~my thumb is about as black as it gets...indoor or outdoor plants~I stress them out :(

I did have a couple of finishes and a pillowcase~palooza day~great for stash busting :)

Brenda said...

I love your plant!!! I used to have ove a hundred of those things, big, little, healthy and growing, till we moved to this house............. I have under 10 left, and they are not doing so well. No light, and that is huge for plants I guess!!
I have never had one of your beautiful plants though - so no suggestions, but it sure is pretty!!! what ever you are doing, it's working!!!

I have not done string blks yet, but I saw one done with rectangular base and that one, I have cut foundations for!!!! LOVED IT!!!!!! so, one is in my future, but not right now! I am glad you have got them done. And I love that you have stuff under your table!! Me too!!! Not a great place to have 'things' but at least it's not creating more visual mess!! If you don't look under the table, you won't see it!!! what else you got under there!!!??? lol!!

Vicky said...

Hey, while you're looking under the table, check to see if my address book is there! I don't know how I could lose it in my sewing room ;)

Love making those string blocks, but I don't like putting them together with the foundation base. I'd much prefer a paper base that I can tear off.

Your plant looks great! Big and healthy.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Finishes?? What are those?? I just took my cutting table down off it's bed risers and set it up with my big monitor, spare keyboard & mouse to hook up my laptop to do some genealogy work. I suppose I COULD do it in the basement on the desktop computer but then I'd have to run the electric heater and the electric meter would spin like crazy. Besides it nicer in my sewing room next to the window. Now, if we can only get some sunshine through that window......

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

It must have been one of those weeks b/c quite a few of us have "no change" which is better than an increase right?!?!

Your plant looks great to me.

MightyMom said...

nah, leave the poor thing alone. so long as it's still blooming it's fine.

well, I did a little bit on my shorts...

I'd been wondering why they looked funny....then realized that I'd sewed the pockets upside down by the hem rather than up by the I had to frog stitch some...sigh.

Stephanie D said...

Don't ask me about indoor plants--Jack says the plastic plants wilt when I walk into the room.

No finishes, no starts, no sewing. Just the winter blahs.