Monday Thoughts

Monday, June 7, 2010
Actually, not many thoughts!  Today I picked some rhubarb, tomorrow I will make some rhubarb jam.  I'm not sure, is rhubarb a cultural item, or a "hard times" fruit?  Maybe a Midwest specialty??  To me it's all of them, a pie filling or jam makings or even a dessert centerpiece.  Ken is hoping for a rhubarb custard pie!  Last week I made some of Judy's beans.  At this time of year I have the urge to preserve things. 

But I did sew a little this week.  I hemmed two pairs of pants.  And sewed a binding on.  Yes, something QUILTY finally.  Later this week I will do the hand sewing.  

I've been so busy it's hard to sew.  We have just a few acres of soybeans to plant, unless it rains a lot.  Either way, we'll be done soon.  It seems all I get done is laundry, dishes, help Ken.  Garden.  Errands.  I miss my sewing machine, but I love to garden, have flowers, volunteer, cook.  I'm taking advantage of summer here, it won't last long.  Have you been sidelined by summer??



Sue H said...

Hi, Lori: Living in a townhouse, I sure do miss our rhubarb. A friend served us a delicious rhubarb crisp last week. mmmmm Nothing else tastes like it!

Anonymous said...

i agree, rhubarb is a wonderful treat. takes me back to my childhood days when we would visit my grandfather and always come away with a few stalks.

love that quilt in the pic! great combo of brown and greys.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

yes! summer has slowed me down in the sewing/quilting department and DD is still in school~until Thursday!

not much blog fodder happening around my parts :(

Nancy said...

Lovely quilt, such calm colors.

I like rhubarb sauce on my morning toast. Perhaps, I will make some today.

Carmi Quillts said...

Hi Lori, I bought rhubarb from the farmer's market last Tuesday and made a Rhubarb Custard Pie. I love everything rhubarb. With the leftovers I canned them in hopes for a topping on ice cream or jam. We love the pie warmed with vanilla ice cream.

Henrietta said...

What a pretty and unusual quilt, can't wait to see the whole quilt picture when you are done.

MightyMom said...

Yup sidelined by summer fur sure