Yes, I Did Some Sewing

Friday, June 18, 2010
It didn't rain ALL the time I was volunteering.  A few evenings the weather was glorious, and I took advantage of it.  I sewed the binding down on this quilt.

This isn't my quilt, its one Henrietta asked me to finish for her.  It's a pattern called "Cracker Crumbs" from Miss Rosie.  Yes, it's another scrap quilt--even if I didn't make it--they find me anyway!


Anonymous said...

yep, that one's on my 'gonna make one of these days" list. you both did a very nice job!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Scrap quilts are my favorite!!

Stephanie D said...

Such a cozy-looking quilt!

Becky said...

Great looking scrap quilt! Hope the rain has stopped.

Greenmare said...

it's great!!!!

Unknown said...

Lokve scrap quilts, that is one I might try someday.

MightyMom said...

Pretty. Glad to see you're not letting your machine be neglected! I was starting to worry bout the poor thing!!

Suzanne said...

Good use of your's a great quilt pattern!