I bought a primitive seasonal panel, that's it. And I haven't finished anything. LOL I am within INCHES of having the tossed salad quilted. And then I hit a small glitch. I cut the batting a smidgen too short. I mean like maybe an inch??

I really think I didn't cut it too short, it took more batting than I thought to smooth out all those humps! I don't want to make the border smaller, so I will piece a bit in. And it was going so well!
And I've also cut out Laura Beth's and Nick's baby quilt. Today I plan to work on that.
My garden and flowers are growing like crazy, must be the "dirt" I hauled in for them! The tomatoes are waist high and have tomatoes and blossoms all over.
My Jackmani clematis is blooming it's heart out, even though I cut it way back earlier this year and the carpenters had to stand on it to build the deck.
And my summer squash have babies and blossoms!!
A trumpet vine I thought was dead this spring is getting ready to bloom.
And here is a Purple Coneflower I started last year from seed. They are supposed to be hardy prairie perennial, I think they must be because they got NO care last year. And now they are up and at least 4 foot high and blooming.
And remember the perinneal sweet peas, well they are covered with blossoms and more to come. And the other plants that were smaller or I started from seed this year are coming along too.