Monday Goals

Monday, April 12, 2010
My goals won't be much this week.  Still getting over my cold, have to go to Minneapolis and be gone a few days.  We've been sewing, have another UFO ready to quilt. It's called American Pie and is by Miss Rosie.  This one is done in 30's.

 I also walked around outside, things are greening up and it's going to be in the 80's today.

Here is part of my rhubarb.  It's about 6 inches high.

Yellow iris with purple coneflowers.

This is "snow on the mountain".  It spreads like crazy, but it grows and is green!

It's going to get warm today, about 83F.  Right now I think it's a good time to take a short nap!


QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Very pretty quilt. It looks so Spring-like.....and isn't it good to see things greening up. Have fun in the big city.

Anonymous said...

definitely a pretty Spring quilt! that one is on my 'someday' list to make. i have a whole bunch of old calico prints that would look wonderful in that pattern.

looks like things are getting greener outside. Has the snow finally melted?

Kathie said...

Love that springy quilt. Nice way to use up a bunch of scraps.

kathie L.

Catsngrams said...

I love your quilt. I love the Spring colors. Have fun on your trip.

MightyMom said...

loving that quilt!

look, green instead of white! wow.

Tanya said...

Ooh. The American pie looks like candy twists! So beautiful!