We were looking at the range and refrigerator that were on the sale. This sale was 30 miles from us. And of course the two large appliances we were looking at sold last. First was the house, then tools, then kitchen items, then the usual "junk" we have around our homes, then outdoor things, and then furniture. Even a surplus pickup. Up and down the rows of items all afternoon. For those of you who attend these events, you talk to people you know (half of them were relatives of my husbands--including the gentleman having the sale!) Heck, even my MAILMAN was there! A lady who works at the library with my sister. Most of the afternoon was cool and overcast, I would walk back to the pickup and read-Ken would call me on the phone if there was an item I wanted to watch sell. Would you like to see what I bought?
Yes, we stood around all day and I bought 8 pie plates! 7 pyrex and one corelle ware. I think we could have taken the car!
But if you hadn't taken the trailer, you'd have bought the range and refrigerator. Murphy's Law.
Why didn't you?
Even though you didn't buy much, there's still something about estate auctions that gives me a little thrill. My mind tries to piece together the owner's life based on the auction items. I picture them buying and furnishing the home, maybe farming, raising a family...makes me sort of nostalgic for someone else's life.
Auctions really are social events. I cannot remember the last one that I attended. Most auctions in this area sell only farm equipment.
The trailer may have been overkill, but look at all the pies you can bake all at once now. Mmmmmmm you may have gotten yourself into something here.......
Mmmm... my mom has that corelle ware, so whenever I see it at sales, it comes home with me!
Hey .... and HE gave you a LOOK about coming to the NE Sew-in?? Not fair! Boy, I wouldn't let Ken forgot this trip ... came home with some dishes!! TOO FUNNY!
Great story! Of course, had you not gone prepared you would have needed two trucks. Enjoy the dishes!
what happened to the range and fridge????
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