Sunday Stash Report

Saturday, April 25, 2009
I'm writing this post a little early, tomorrow we are getting company. No fabric bought this week. And finished the pink/cream Jacob's ladder, that used 9.5 yards. So my totals are---

Bought ytd 50.3
Used ytd 50.75

Finally, I have used more than I bought (barely!) I've accomplished all my goals this week except the borders on the Irish chain, I'm more than pleased. My mouth is still very sore. (Ouch!) I'm feeling well enough to think about food and sewing, so those are good signs!

I'm anxious for spring, this morning there was a light skiff of snow on the lawn!

And, I'm wondering what Judy is finding in Paducah!


MightyMom said...

good sewing!

have fun with your company.

now you just have to STAY at more used than bought for the next 8 months! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Good for you that you met your goals and are on the right side of the stash busting. I know that feels good. maybe i should send some of our warm weather up there to blast that snow back into Canada where it belongs?
yesterday i just couldn't help myself--i got my flower boxes all prepped for the Summer annuals, so they'll be going in this week.

Katie Z. said...

Hurrah! Glad you finally used more. How much longer till I get there?

I hope your mouth feels better soon.

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Woohoo, you're in the black! Great job. Hope you are feeling better by tomorrow when your company arrives.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Great! always feels good to use more than one buys!

Hope you are feeling better for your company :)

SpinningStar said...

Yea - in the stashbusting mode.... I will get there, eventually!

Sending warm thoughts to you... eventually you will get some spring!


Brenda said...

I am glad you are feeling better, but don't push yourself to hard!! And, uh, could you tell pdudgeon that the cold doesn't 'belong' in Canada!!!! And it's something we all have to share!!!! I am not enjoying seeing that hard white rain either that won't soak into the ground any more than you are!! (yup, we have been having a litte covering the ground too lately... I am so ready for spring to come and STAY!!!)
This is a great report by the way!! Stay warm!! ;-)

Becky said...

Hope that you had a great visit with your company! Great job accomplishing your goals! Hope that your mouth is hurting less.