Tuesday Thoughts

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
All my company has left and it's very quiet at our house. Ken has gone to work in the field and doesn't need me unless he calls, so I have some time to myself. I will work on my bindings. Last night while my friend and I were talking I was able to sew one binding down so that will make a finish! And if I get the other one done this week, that will make TWO!

But, I must have been stressed and I "poked a few buttons" this week! One purchase was necessary, I didn't have enough fabric to sash my 9 patches for amandajean's sew a long. I did have some backing, and with a friend's help, we narrowed it down to this---

The light is not the best, but it is a Moda Marble called "Sweet Butter". I was looking for a neutral to set off the 9 patches, but not muslin. I bought enough of this to makes sashing and binding.

The house is so quiet today, the only thing I hear is the air conditioning running. No Mason. :-( But I was able to get one last picture of him right before he left, he was sleeping in grandpa and grandma's bed--babies sleep so HARD and I hated to see Laura Beth wake him up. He wakes up so cheery.

But I better get to work, tonight when the wind goes down I would like to plant my tomatoes and a few seeds. What are your plans for today??


Sweet P said...

Sleeping babies are so adorable! What did I do yesterday? I had to work in the afternoon, but I got to spend time with Mr. E in the morning. Today is a day off and I have errands to run and then DH is coming home from a business trip. I like your 9-patches with the background fabric.

Anonymous said...

i like the yellow too! it's a great alternative background for traditional quilts. congrats on your finishes.

Jackie Russell said...

I like the yellow sashing on the nine patches.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I have a few tomato plants to set out too, IF the wind ever goes down. It would whip the poor little things to death. Hubby planted some sweet corn last night. I did finally get the flowers set out in front of the house. Sure could use a nice rain.

Mason's just so cute when he sleeps.

Stephanie D said...

What do you mean, you "poked a few buttons?" Forgive my ignorance, but either you sewed some buttons on something, or you made someone mad. That's the extent of my knowledge of the saying.

Neither seems to fit, so I guess you mean something else?

Becky said...

Mason is such a beautiful baby! You must miss him when he goes home. We met my husband's great neice this weekend. I so wanted to hold her and get to know her. She has a"difficult" mother. She didn't want us disturbing her baby's schedule. I kept my cool, but this nephew's wife didn't impress me at all :)

Good choice of fabric for your blocks!

Your garden project is progressing nicely, too!

MightyMom said...

my gator-boy sleeps like that with his hands behind his head!! sooo relaxed!!

cute little chubby bubby! ;-)

so got your Moda in? did you like the color?