Monday Goals

Monday, October 19, 2009
Time to set goals. This week I will try to--

  1. Finish sewing together b/w bricks and stepping stones
  2. Preview and sew 9 patches and sashings
  3. Finish my D9P pastel baby blocks
  4. Load the pink baby quilt on the long arm
  5. Sew another set of strips on Sonja's Windows

Whew--that's a list. I will just pick one up and sew on it as time allows. I know I will not get them all worked on.

Had a lovely couple of days with Laura Beth and Mason. A few pictures--

Cuddling with Grandpa

Oh oh, discovering Grandpa's moustache

Grandpa decides to open his eyes and keep an eye on Mason!

Eating out, Mason playing with his favorite toy, a straw!

I sew inbetween loads of laundry, while timing something baking, you know those spare moments you have once in a while!

9 patches pressed with sashings, waiting for preview on wall

About 1/3 of the b/w bricks and stepping stones rows sewn together

Sonja's Windows pressed and waiting for another set of strips

Pastel baby D9P's almost all together

I hadn't planned on trying some D9P's so small, but I was asked to make an incubator cover for NICU unit, (I do this for a friend every year) and after reading on Helen's blog I made these. Helen, you're right, anything smaller than 3" is too "fiddly". Helen has a great tutorial on D9P's, it's my favorite. (mine were 3", and that is small enough!)


JuJu said...

Wonder Woman ... that is what you are!!! Mason is getting so big!!

Stephanie D said...

Is Grandpa rethinking the whole mustache bit until Mason reaches 3 years old? lol

Katie Z. said...

You have some great projects going on!

Lynn E said...

Lots of nice projects!. I see your a Bonnie Fan.

Anonymous said...

All of your projects are gorgeous! I love your nine patch :)

Jeanne said...

Lots of wonderful projects being worked on at your house. Mason is cuter than ever.

MightyMom said...

I don't know how some folks do those tiny blocks!! 3" is about my smallness limit!