Design Wall Monday and Weekly Goals

Monday, December 16, 2013
My design wall ironing board--

 More Mt Hood pieces.  Last night I sewed the binding on the Scrappy Trips top--

One side of binding per night to hand sew.  See everyone's design walls at Patchwork Times.

Weekly Goals-
  1. Bind Scrappy Trips
  2. Start quilting Tilted Rails top
  3. Sew a few Trail Mix and Mt Hood blocks
  4. Cut a few pieces to try Summers at the Lake Quilt
Enough, its the last week before Christmas.  I was trying to finish 5 quilts before Christmas, but I may only get 4 done, waiting for the new bobbin case/bobbins put me behind.  Oh well.

Saturday we celebrated Asher's 2nd birthday.  

New Slippers

A card with music--the Chicken Dance Song!  
Mason and Asher peering in the sack.

And then Laura Beth left Asher with the cake--

Is Anyone Watching??
Grandpa Dan says I should touch it?  Really?
YUM!!  And all afternoon they kept telling me NOT to touch it!

A small catastrophe, the string came off Asher's balloon.  Dad to the rescue!

And then the usual pictures I take--

Laura Beth's Head
Nick's back
I'm going to be busy sewing this week.  What are you doing?


Elaine Adair said...

??? did he touch the cake????

Pokey said...

What fun to see baby Asher enjoying a birthday! I love those outtakes, too, I swear the camera has a mind of its own ~

Sara said...

What a fun birthday party. Can't believe he is 2 already! Our Sophia turns 2 in March and I can't believe that either.

I'm slowing working on a binding too, and tonight I'm hoping to add another row or 2 to the Mystery Quilt since the hubbie will be out of the house.

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday, Asher: your party looks like it was a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

how quickly time flies when you're having fun.Love the pics of the grandkids.

I'm busy this week lining up projects for next year, and trying to decide which one to start first. I've got all my Christmas gifts shipped and only one more quilt to bind for this year, which i hope to get to on the weekend. Tomorrow is cookie baking day when i get to try out my new set of snowflake cookie cutters. yep, i'm definitely missing that extra 4 days of Christmas prep that were gobbled up by Thanksgiving this year.
Maybe by Dec 31 i'll be ready for Christmas! LOL