Its Wedge Wednesday--time to find your ruler, pick a pattern and check your stash for fabric! I've chosen a Christmas Tree Skirt using Sue's tutorial. Saturday I sewed my strips together.
Lorri2Rs is a social butterfly. 123 quilters were busily sewing on Saturday at the Sew Day and Lorri chatted with each of them. One lady was despondently studying her project. After a few trips past Lorri asked her what was wrong? Paula's day had a rocky start. She'd forgot her power cord for her machine but persuaded her husband to meet her halfway with it. Luckily it wasn't very far. Next she pulled out her project. No pattern. Okay--its all cut out, just need to assemble it. It wasn't going well. Lorri asked more--it was a WEDGE RULER CIRCULAR QUILT! Lorri told Paula the other Lori had brought the ruler and the pattern. Yippee!! After eating a "smart cookie" (all quilters need sugar and chocolate) Lorri and Paula found all the pieces and it was a done project.
Paula after smart cookie |
Aren't the colors bright and cheerful? Makes me think SPRING!!