Cold blustery day here, a good day for staying inside baking and sewing.
I made Norm's Onion rolls, they are cooling and I haven't sampled them yet, but they smell HEAVENLY!!
Last night I was searching in my sewing room for a piece of red Moda Marble, and instead I found these. Now I've been sitting here scratching my head, I can't remember what I was going to make with them! There are 48 with print centers, and 7 with white centers.
I am going to call these my ???? blocks. Any suggestions what I should do with them? They are about 8" and are made with 30's reproductions.
Why was I searching for the red fabric? I needed it for the centers on my Christmas courthouse steps! I have the first two strips on and have been trimming them. I think I will have just enough Christmas fabric left for backing and binding. Anything else left over will go into scrap boxes!
Then there is a picture of Ken babysitting Mason. Who is teaching whom here??
I still want to cut out a few Happy Blocks tonight, so I better get to work.
Monday Goals
Monday, December 29, 2008
Today we are winding down from Christmas. I'm doing laundry, picking up, all those things you do after you have company. And I'm missing Mason. But I have a new family picture! This is Nick, Laura Beth, and Mason when he was six weeks old.
Mason is much bigger now, he smiles and laughs and has found his fingers! And he sleeps through the night now. Whew! We miss him!
I did get a few new things to hang on my walls.
And this one---- Now I LIKED this hat, but Ken thought it was ugliest hat he'd ever seen, so it ended up in the gift exchange.
And my sister the librarian gave Mason a book that plays music and you "sing" the words to the song while you turn the pages. It was a big hit.
But I better pick some goals for the week.
1. Work on my courthouse steps blocks
2. Load a quilt
3. Pull out a UFO to work on
Those will be my goals for this week. I am looking forward to the New Year, I want to decrease my stash by 100 yards. I am hoping that I can use up some of those fabrics that have been in the stash for several years. Last night I put a new blade in the rotary cutter, wow, can I really speed cut now! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and wish you all a Happy New Year!!
Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, December 28, 2008
It's the last Stash Report for 2008. I didn't buy anything, and I had a finish! The Christmas Quilt spent the holiday on the bed. I would estimate it took 18 yards. So that brings my year end totals to---
148.70 bought
272.80 used
124.80 stash used
I think it's been a good year, and I look forward to next year. Maybe not so much to reduce the stash, as to "rotate" it, use up older fabrics, add some of the new ones. And of course finish UFO's.
Christmas Eve Wednesday
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The week is shaping up quite well. The house is somewhat clean, most the cookies are baked, and Laura Beth and Mason arrived last night. Melissa (Laura Beth's friend) was waiting here to see her, and they carried all LB's and Mason things in and first thing was to set up the portable crib/playpen.
So many portable things to make traveling with a baby easier than 25 years ago! But maybe they should have had the directions.....
Grandpa could hardly wait for Mason to get here, he's busy singing to him!
And I got the Christmas quilt done. Did you know those blocks started out as POTHOLDERS! I got the idea from Pat. But I didn't want to finish all those corners so it became a full size Christmas quilt! I cut the blocks in half and set them in strips like Chinese coins. Since it was so busy, I put a plain Kona Royal blue in the strips. It's finished quite simply, old fashioned, plain blue on the sides, and no top or bottom borders. I used Keryn's Limetree panto, it's simple and I think it fit this quilt perfectly. I still have lots of Christmas fabric, I think next I will use them in a Courthouse Steps quilt.
I'm off to finish frosting the cookies and make supper, I think we will have company tonight. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Happy Holiday Season!
So many portable things to make traveling with a baby easier than 25 years ago! But maybe they should have had the directions.....
Grandpa could hardly wait for Mason to get here, he's busy singing to him!
I'm off to finish frosting the cookies and make supper, I think we will have company tonight. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Happy Holiday Season!
Monday Goals
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I almost forgot to pick some goals for this week. I said I wasn't going to make any cookies. Well, I lied. It's just not Christmas without them. But I made smaller batches and hopefully my relatives can help eat them! But goals--
1. Only one goal this week, finish the Christmas quilt.
I'm pretty sure I can make that goal, I just have the hand sewing of the binding left. But today was a bit disruptive. First, the big tractor's diesel "jelled" so you know how cold it was. And then the part that was broke on our snowblower for here in town came in, and Ken was going to put it on. Well, you know how cold it is out, so I was talked into this---
Yes, that's a snowblower in my living room! Ken and my BIL Paul are being supervised by Ruby the quilting dog. After much running for tools, it was decided a new hacksaw blade is needed to remove a bolt, that will be first thing in the morning! But, the snowblower went back on the deck for the night, I don't mind them working on it in here where it's warm, but it can't STAY in here!
Tomorrow is the day to clean, Mason and Laura Beth are coming tomorrow night.
Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, December 21, 2008
How fast Sundays come around. I bought 4 yards this week. So the totals are 148.70 yards bought, 254.80 yards used, stash used 106.80 yards. I have been working hard this week. I finished this QOV for Alycia.
It used 5 yards. And this quilt is ready to go to Alycia too.
I didn't make this one, I don't even KNOW who made it, it was passed on to me in an unusual way to quilt, and although I know it was a QOV, that's all I know. So I finished it and will send it to Alycia. If anyone out there recognizes it as "theirs"--LOL--let me know! I will pair it with pillowcases from the Heartstrings Pillowcase party. I have three more QOV tops people have sent me, and after Christmas I will work on them. I haven't finished my Christmas quilt, but I am going to work on it this afternoon.
It used 5 yards. And this quilt is ready to go to Alycia too.
I didn't make this one, I don't even KNOW who made it, it was passed on to me in an unusual way to quilt, and although I know it was a QOV, that's all I know. So I finished it and will send it to Alycia. If anyone out there recognizes it as "theirs"--LOL--let me know! I will pair it with pillowcases from the Heartstrings Pillowcase party. I have three more QOV tops people have sent me, and after Christmas I will work on them. I haven't finished my Christmas quilt, but I am going to work on it this afternoon.
Motivation Friday
Friday, December 19, 2008
Just walked Ruby and there was fresh snow. Only to my ankles, and it's soft and fluffy. Hopefully we won't get any wind to blow it around.
Goals are going well. I have one quilt off the long arm and the binding on, now all I have to do is hand sew it. And the Christmas blocks are into a top and I have already started quilting it. Hope to finish the Christmas blocks top before Christmas, it would be nice to have it on the spare bed. It's bright and cheery. (And you have to wait until I have it done-done before I am going to post pictures!)
Tonight Ken realized that Christmas is one week away. Somehow in all the hustle around here he lost a week or two.
And the surprise angel--Henrietta! We were discussing it and she said "that name sounds familiar" and then realized she had bought it and had it shipped! How funny! But she does know I love angels!
Goals are going well. I have one quilt off the long arm and the binding on, now all I have to do is hand sew it. And the Christmas blocks are into a top and I have already started quilting it. Hope to finish the Christmas blocks top before Christmas, it would be nice to have it on the spare bed. It's bright and cheery. (And you have to wait until I have it done-done before I am going to post pictures!)
Tonight Ken realized that Christmas is one week away. Somehow in all the hustle around here he lost a week or two.
And the surprise angel--Henrietta! We were discussing it and she said "that name sounds familiar" and then realized she had bought it and had it shipped! How funny! But she does know I love angels!
Angel Wednesday
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I'm a believer in angels. And someone else must be too, because look what came in my mail.
Yes, an angel! She will spend the season here on our tree, so I can be reminded that someone took time out of their busy season to send me a special angel. Thank you.
Monday Goals
Monday, December 15, 2008
Had a struggle to reach Monday's goals. That's good, you should set your goals a bit higher than you think you can reach. So this week I chose--
1. Quilt a top
2. Bind a top
3. Work Christmas Blocks into a top
4. Mail out Isolette Covers
This is a small portion of wall where I quilt. I love angels--angel wallhanging, angel door hanger, angel pins, angel ornament. And Snowmen, you will find some of them too. And my Christmas tree wall hanging has angels flying in the border. I like them so well I leave them up all year.

1. Quilt a top
2. Bind a top
3. Work Christmas Blocks into a top
4. Mail out Isolette Covers
This is a small portion of wall where I quilt. I love angels--angel wallhanging, angel door hanger, angel pins, angel ornament. And Snowmen, you will find some of them too. And my Christmas tree wall hanging has angels flying in the border. I like them so well I leave them up all year.

Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Stash Report is here again. I finished the UFO I found, that used 11 yards. But, I bought a yard to bind it with. I just HAD to have some striped bias binding for it! So the totals are 143.70 bought, 249.80 used, 105.80 from my stash! Woohoo--broke 100 yards!
It was hard to make my goals this week. I did get a quilt loaded, but haven't started quilting it yet. Today the weather is very cold and windy (-40 wind chill) and I need to run to the grocery store. I've decided not to make Christmas cookies this year, but want to make some popcorn balls.
Motivation Friday
Friday, December 12, 2008
I've not touched my two goals YET this week. I've looked high and low for brown fabric, I have some binding remnants left that match my UFO, and was going to make a bit more. Drat! I must have used it all. Will have to move on to plan B. And I've not loaded another quilt, the patient has been a bit demanding and irritable, and I've been hiding.
While searching for the brown fabric, I came across my stack of Christmas fabric. And so an idea was born. (OK--I was stressed too!) I decided to make a quilt/throw with string blocks and Christmas fabric.
While searching for the brown fabric, I came across my stack of Christmas fabric. And so an idea was born. (OK--I was stressed too!) I decided to make a quilt/throw with string blocks and Christmas fabric.
They don't look like much yet do they??
I am a night owl, so I often sew late at night. That means Ruby the quilting dog is up with me. And I walk her late at night before we go to bed. Glad my neighbors are fast asleep, I'm not a fashion statement.
Yes, I am wearing my fleece jammies and I have slippers on inside Ken's old tennis shoes. Ruby has to walk slow so I can shuffle along and not lose my shoes! Wednesday Ramblings
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Doesn't seem like I'm getting much done the last few days. Searched for my brown fabric to make a little more binding for my UFO, but haven't found it yet. And then I got distracted by some Christmas fabric, I'll let you know if anything comes of THAT! But today I packaged up my Bricks and Stepping Stones quilt, bet you didn't know I had a home in mind for it quite some time ago.
Yes, another blooming Holiday Cactus!! I love those peach blossoms. My sister has quite a green thumb, the backyard is full of flowers and vines and all sorts of plants. Paul is quite the gardener too, he has to dig all the holes!
Lots of errands planned for tomorrow. Maybe I will find that brown fabric........
This is my brother in law Paul. See, he is using that quilt already! He likes quiet evenings reading, and needed this quilt to snuggle with. He always tells me he is my FAVORITE brother in law!
Now my poor sister will have to ask Paul to share his quilt, as I haven't made her one. But, I think he will share. And while I was at their house, do you know what I saw?
Yes, another blooming Holiday Cactus!! I love those peach blossoms. My sister has quite a green thumb, the backyard is full of flowers and vines and all sorts of plants. Paul is quite the gardener too, he has to dig all the holes!
Lots of errands planned for tomorrow. Maybe I will find that brown fabric........
Tuesday Twitterings
Monday, December 8, 2008
Stress relief, I need stress relief! Whew! This nursing is a little stressful, along with everything else, so last night I locked myself in the sewing room and made some lottery blocks. I love to do that, use up bits and pieces of my stash and experiment. So, I thought I would show them to you---
I am hoping to win the Yankee puzzle blocks, they are done with yellows/golds and another dark color. To me this is "scrappy" and those are my favorite type of quilts!
Last night it snowed and the wind blew, but today it is warming up and doesn't look too bad out. I am staying inside!
I am hoping to win the Yankee puzzle blocks, they are done with yellows/golds and another dark color. To me this is "scrappy" and those are my favorite type of quilts!
Last night it snowed and the wind blew, but today it is warming up and doesn't look too bad out. I am staying inside!
Monday Goals
Monday goals---they will be small this week. Nursing is taking it's toll on me!
1. Bind the UFO I found
2. Load another quilt
I am hoping the sewing machine fellow will have my wiring problems fixed and the machines ready to pick up. I LIKE Celty--we are making a good team, but want to keep her for display. Playing with my bricks and stepping stones box, or my noodle box would be fun too. Another "25 in 25" quilt using my stash of noodles or indigos might be in the future.
This is an antique pattern, I used a bunch of batik noodles from a swap. A meeting of old and new?? I love this pattern, it is fun and goes together so fast.
1. Bind the UFO I found
2. Load another quilt
I am hoping the sewing machine fellow will have my wiring problems fixed and the machines ready to pick up. I LIKE Celty--we are making a good team, but want to keep her for display. Playing with my bricks and stepping stones box, or my noodle box would be fun too. Another "25 in 25" quilt using my stash of noodles or indigos might be in the future.
This is an antique pattern, I used a bunch of batik noodles from a swap. A meeting of old and new?? I love this pattern, it is fun and goes together so fast.
Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Stash report again? Already?? Hmmm---let me think. I bought 2.5 yards this week, one yard for binding that I didn't like when I got it next to the top, so it goes into the stash. Bummer! The other 1.5 yards were some brown 30's reproductions, you just don't see them as often as I like.
But I did have some finishes. I got the binding on the bricks and stepping stones quilt--I figure that used about 15 yards. And I finished the blue isolette cover, that adds another 5 yards used. Also made 2 more pillowcases--that is 2.2 yards. Oh, forgot a binding, that used .75 yards So 2.5 back, and 22.95 yards ahead--that makes me at-------95.80 yards used! And in checking my quilt rack, I found a UFO that only needs binding. So this week I hope to get the binding on it and that should get me to 100 yards, if I don't relapse and buy a bunch of fabric. LOL
I've enjoyed keeping track of what I've bought, what I've finished. And I look forward to next year, I want to bust another 100 yards. Another goal, finish 6 UFO's. This year the goal was 12, one per month, and I made that. I still have UFO's hanging in the closet and on shelves, but they are getting less instead of more!
Total figures so far---142.70 bought, 238.80 used--I've used 95.80 of my stash!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It was a long night last night, doing the ice on, ice off bit. Today Ken is sore and spending more time laying down. I hope to finish binding the big quilt I am doing for someone, and then I will work on binding my bricks and stepping stones. Maybe tonight. But here is Ken in his favorite chair---
And Ruby is glad to see him!
She MISSED him! But hopefully things will remain quiet and I will get a little time to sew. And read. And maybe a little more sleep tonight.

And Ruby is glad to see him!

Motivation Friday
Friday, December 5, 2008
Good Morning!! Having my coffee now, trying to wake up. Most my Christmas decorations are up, I LOVE Christmas decorations! I have a fiber optic tree--not like most you see, mine has long soft needles that are actually fiber optic strands, the whole tree shimmers and changes color. My goals were small this week, I knew I was going to be busy. But I did load another quilt and get it quilted, and I have bound two of the three quilts on my list, and the 3rd one is halfway done too.
We've been so rushed around here because Ken had surgery yesterday and we were trying to get everything done we could. He was working to make sure I would have it as easy as possible caring for the horses, getting the Christmas decorations up etc. I have stocked up on food, and the house is "somewhat" clean! The surgery was nothing serious, a hernia repair, but he will still be down and sore for quite a while. This afternoon I will pick him up and bring him home, I think he will be glad to see his own bed. I KNOW Ruby will be glad to see him! But I took two of the quilts with me, and got them bound while sitting with him yesterday.
While I was there (now this is a small town hospital where you know everyone) I was talking to one of the nurses I know and she asked to see what I was working on. I was binding a QOV, and knew it would touch her. You see, her son and my daughter are the same age, same class, and he was killed in Iraq. She knew what QOV are, and she didn't know I made them. I talked to her about Alycia's project and the pillowcase party. Jeremiah was on his 2nd tour in Iraq, he said to "send him, as he wasn't married and didn't have a family like a lot of the soldiers did". Yes Jeremiah, I think of you often, and remember you as a little kid in school with my daughter drinking grape koolaid. Thank you.
Wednesday Ramblings
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Colder weather makes it easier for me to stay in my sewing room. And Thanksgiving leftovers help, no cooking. But, a few pictures--
Over the weekend I made five pillowcases for the Heartstrings Pillowcase party. They were fun and easy.
Next I loaded and quilted the 2nd Bricks and Stepping Stones top I had waiting. I used a soft blue fleece for backing, it will be very snuggly. It will get binding pieced together off that cardboard tube.
And since it's the Christmas Season, I took my Grandmother's Flower Garden off the rack and will put it on our bed in a few days. It is made entirely out of Christmas fabrics--leftovers from my mother's and grandmother's stashes, pieces from friends, pieces that I had. I hand pieced this, it took me 18 months and was a fun project. It is special to me, my mother and grandmother are no longer alive, but they fostered my quilting ambition. And if you're wondering, that GFG is a king size. I have it hung sideways on my clips, it is dragging on the floor behind my quilting table.
I am still buried in binding projects, but that's good!

I am still buried in binding projects, but that's good!

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