Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Ahh, another Sunday where I didn't buy anything!! And I did use a little stash, 3.3 yards on 3 pillowcases! Today I'm making some binding. And if I get time I will make some more pillowcases. I am stuffed with turkey and fixings and still have some pie left over. I forgot to take a picture of the finished product, I made five pies! Cherry, Pumpkin, Pecan, Cottage Cheese, and Buttermilk. Yes, I have never made a buttermilk pie, but hey, I use my family as guinea pigs! I even made a different crust, I used Martha Stewart's recipe and my food processor. It did exactly what the recipe said, and the crust had a good flavor and was flaky. Yes, I cut my butter up the night before and froze it. I froze the shortening. And I used ICE water. Just like the recipe said, it worked great.
PS---did some figuring on the back on the envelope--I've bought 140.5 yards this year, and used 215.85. I've used 75.35 yards of stash. I better get moving if I want to break 100 yards!
Motivation Friday
Friday, November 28, 2008
Okay, the "Conspiracy of Machines" wasn't all bad. I found three seam rippers, two bobbins, a small ruler, and a square ruler! I have two of the machine heads removed and in my car to go to be re-wired. Since the 201-2 is wired directly in the art deco cabinet, she will have to wait until I can get at least two strong men to carry her out into the pickup. Until someone is fixed, "Celty" and I will be partners!
My goals this week, well, not too bad! The quilt is off the machine. I have three pillowcases cut out. Haven't bound the blue isolette. To let off some steam, I did play with my bricks and stepping stones. Tonight I am going to make pillowcases, bindings and just whatever strikes my fancy!
Tomorrow my family is having a small Thanksgiving, I have to make pies and sweet potatoes. I will do that in the morning.
I'm thankful for my family and my friends. I'm blessed with enough to eat, a place to live, and a husband who loves me. And a new grandbaby. Life is good.

It's A Conspiracy!!
Yes, it's a conspiracy! My sewing machines have ganged up on me!! They KNEW I had big plans for the Heartstrings Pillowcase Weekend. First, my Long Arm had a jammed needle. My fault. And other than lots of teeth gnashing and struggling, I resolved that problem without wrecking anything but the needle. Whew! And I was on the last FOOT of that quilt. Okay, let's not play with that machine anymore tonight! Next, I willl make some bindings. I begin to sew with my Singer 201-2 (Becca). Hmmm---seems like she's clogged somewhere. I take everything loose, take out all those lintballs and threads, oil here and there, put her back together. Not any better. It might be that her gears need lube, and I don't have time to do that now. Drag her out of my sewing room, and pull in a Singer 15-91 (Chuckee). Get everything ready, hmmm, foot pedal doesn't work. Am I plugged in? Yes, the light works. Recheck things, in moving him I pulled a wire loose! Now, it's 1 am and I'm NOT going to play electrician. So I take that machine back out. (Now imagine, I'm working around stash, baskets of strings, etc.) I look around for ANOTHER machine. Ahhh--there's the green 15-91 (Carol) Ken bought me. Sheesh--she has a wiring issue too!! Look around some more. I KNOW I have more working machines downstairs, but I'm home alone and cannot carry one upstairs by myself. Okay--I will pull out ANOTHER 15-91, this one is Celtic Red Cloud (don't ask!) Whew, she works fine. But, I hate to use her as she is a collector's piece. One of only 4 Silver Badged Singers I know about. She was made in 1932.
If you're an old sewing machine enthusiast, you know Singer's came with GOLD badges. And this badge was always silver. Not "silvered" from cleaning with the wrong product. And the badge is larger than normal. But it looks like I'll be using her to make pillowcases this weekend. Oh, I could use my featherweight, but I need to finish some BIG quilts, and it's hard to wad all that up on my featherweight.
But remember it's Thanksgiving, and these are MINOR bumps in the road. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

But remember it's Thanksgiving, and these are MINOR bumps in the road. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
Wednesday Ramblings
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The weather yesterday was great for almost Thanksgiving. Clear, blue, and in the afternoon I could drive with my windows part way down. I had to drive into north central Nebraska on an errand, and came back across the northern part of Nebraska before I crossed back into South Dakota. Ahhh--I love to road trip! I stopped and checked out places I had only heard of or driven past before.
This picture is in the middle of the Fort Randall Dam at Pickstown SD--looking north at Lake Francis Case. Yes, not much traffic and me stopping along the road, well, no one even drove past as I took pictures.
You can see the lake level is down, there hasn't been as much snow runoff in Montana and on down the Missouri River to raise the river since the big snows of '97-98.
This is above the old Fort Randall Military post. There are many historic markers, and the remains of the original church. Sorry it's not clearer, but I was way above it climbing the river hills. There is a cemetery from the 1860's and earlier time period, I have walked through it and wondering about how their lives were. I was so interested I read the book on it! One spring day I walked the grounds of the entire military post, there are markers describing where all the buildings were and what they were used for.
I crossed over into Nebraska and the Niobrara River. No, that's not ice, that's sand! The Niobrara River carries huge amounts of sand and deposits in the Lewis and Clark Lake--right now about the upper five miles of lake have huge marshes with sand bars. Without the dams to control flooding and produce electricity, the sand would have been flushed downstream or deposited where the river widened and flooded. It's a catch 22, flooding or silt. There are many different agencies studying how to deal with it.

And just a little ways down the road I came across this group--wild turkeys!
There is a fairly new bridge to cross the Missouri River between Nebraska and South Dakota, I took the cow path underneath to get this picture. It is the Chief Standing Bear Memorial Bridge. You can read about him here.
I passed through several small towns, and laughed at this! Yes, it was right along the highway and it was padlocked, I don't think it's been used for a LONG time!
When I passed this sign, I thought it was a mistake, and turned around to check. I filled my little car while I was there. No mistake, that is what gas cost Tuesday at Santee Nebraska.
I drove past two beautiful Nebraska State Parks, and all the Missouri River along here is a National Park. Very scenic, I explored the summer vacation homes area, all the dips and twists. Then I got back to the Lewis and Clark Visitors Center above Gavin's Point Dam. This is where I volunteer in the summer. I see this view every day I'm there, it's beautiful. I stopped in to visit, I miss everyone!
After this is just 60 miles back home. I wasn't quilty, but I had fun!!
This picture is in the middle of the Fort Randall Dam at Pickstown SD--looking north at Lake Francis Case. Yes, not much traffic and me stopping along the road, well, no one even drove past as I took pictures.

And just a little ways down the road I came across this group--wild turkeys!

Monday Goals
Monday, November 24, 2008
Mondays sure seem to roll around fast! But here goes--
1. Finish the quilt on the machine
2. Bind the blue isolette
3. Make pillowcases for the Heartstrings Virtual Pillowcase retreat
4. Load another quilt
Hopefully I have baking out of the system for a while. No traditional Thanksgiving here, everyone is working or gone. I will have the entire day to myself to sew. Last night I cut the pieces for three pillowcases, so I've started that project. That will help me grow closer to that 100 yard goal!
More Sunday Stuff
Stephanie asked me if I really had a bed big enough for the Chunky Churn Dash. Hmm--thought I did?~! So I took the OTHER quilts off the bed, threw the pillows off, and put the new quilt on. Don't ask what else I had to move or what I had to stand on to get the picture. But it is big enough that one row of blocks is on the end and each side along with the border, just covering the top of the dust ruffle. Yes, it's still at least 18" from the floor.

And tonight I made both cherry and cream cheese kolaches. Even though I gave away three plates of them, I still have over 40 left. All the credit goes to katie z!! I also made one cherry kuchen and 2 cottage cheese kuchen. Tomorrow will be errands and sewing, as I didn't get anything like that done today!

And tonight I made both cherry and cream cheese kolaches. Even though I gave away three plates of them, I still have over 40 left. All the credit goes to katie z!! I also made one cherry kuchen and 2 cottage cheese kuchen. Tomorrow will be errands and sewing, as I didn't get anything like that done today!
Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I finished the chunky churn dash quilt and that used a whopping 23 yards of fabric! And thread. Good grief, I used every bit of blue I had left on the cone when I was binding it, and had to find another blue to finish. It is a KING size, and I mean a big king size!
The rod it's hanging on is 12 foot long. It's scrappy and I love it. And I also finished binding the pink isolette cover, that used about 5 yards.

In between I made three blocks for a block lottery, used about 1/2 yard. Pray I don't win them, or I'll have to add them to my stash! And I made Ken his blue bag, that used about 3/4 yard. So that makes 29 1/4 yards used this week. BUT--I bought 11 yards for backing, so it wasn't all good! That means I used 18 1/4 yards more than I bought THIS week. I'm going to have to hustle to make 100 yards by the end of the year.
This weekend I will be making pillowcases with the Heartstrings Project, that will use some yardage!! I am looking forward to some easy sewing. I'm also making some more kolaches today, someone mentioned cream cheese ones (Katie--you're to blame!!) and Ken loves cherry ones.
The rod it's hanging on is 12 foot long. It's scrappy and I love it. And I also finished binding the pink isolette cover, that used about 5 yards.

In between I made three blocks for a block lottery, used about 1/2 yard. Pray I don't win them, or I'll have to add them to my stash! And I made Ken his blue bag, that used about 3/4 yard. So that makes 29 1/4 yards used this week. BUT--I bought 11 yards for backing, so it wasn't all good! That means I used 18 1/4 yards more than I bought THIS week. I'm going to have to hustle to make 100 yards by the end of the year.
This weekend I will be making pillowcases with the Heartstrings Project, that will use some yardage!! I am looking forward to some easy sewing. I'm also making some more kolaches today, someone mentioned cream cheese ones (Katie--you're to blame!!) and Ken loves cherry ones.
Saturday--Baking, Cooking, and Sewing
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Last night I got a top loaded on the machine and it's ready to quilt. I also made some filling for some kolaches I made today. Still using up the apples!
Motivation Friday and an Irritation!
Friday, November 21, 2008
So far this week I've been keeping busy. I've got the chunky churn dash and the pink isolette cover to the hand sewing part of the binding. I've prepared a backing for a quilt. I made binding for another quilt. Hope to get the next quilt loaded on the machine by tonight. I've been laying out my fabric and planning pillowcases for next weekend.
Cold and dreary out today. I took some of the ham and have ham and scalloped potatoes in the oven, and a batch of bread baking. Yum! The hambone and rest of the ham is in the freezer to be made into ham and bean soup later on.
I also was sorting items in the spare bedroom. Found my winter gloves (I'd been looking for them!) But what I really was looking for, I couldn't find. I've lost my bathing suit. Yup. Have no idea where it is. Not in my "swimming bag". I've looked on the Internet for a new one (gulp!) but it's so hard to find one that is three sizes bigger on the top than the bottom! And no under wires--I swim laps, I don't want things digging me in uncomfortable places! I know I really need a structured exercise program, and like swimming and the underwater treadmill the best. As soon as my new suit arrives I'm sure the old one will show up.

PS--ordered a suit from Land's End, hope it fits!
Working Wednesday
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Today I am working hard. Meals will be leftover ham sandwiches. I have made the binding for the chunky churn dash quilt, sewn the binding on the pink isolette cover, and the blue one is waiting for it's turn. I put away the bricks and stepping stones for the moment, I will have to come back to them later.
Oh, how many of you have leftover Halloween candy? Yes, me too! I had a whole big bowl of assorted candy bars.

Ken ate the Snickers, Hershey bars, Reeses, and Kit Kats. He also ate MOST the Milk Duds. He left the Whoppers! LOL I checked LB's pail I had gotten ready at her house, same thing, only Whoppers left. Was there any candy left at your house??
I'm also thinking ahead to next week's Heartstrings Sew In to make pillowcases. If I have time, I am going to cut them ahead of time and have them ready to sew. Please come and join us!

I'm also thinking ahead to next week's Heartstrings Sew In to make pillowcases. If I have time, I am going to cut them ahead of time and have them ready to sew. Please come and join us!

Monday Goals
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Boy the week went fast! Time for goals.
1. Bind the chunky churn dash and the two isolette covers
2. Load and quilt a top
3. Work on the Bricks and Stepping Stones
I'm home again, Mason went to daycare this week. No one to dance and sing with now. (I'm getting good at "wheels on the bus go round and round"!) I have a ham in the oven, that will make several meals so I can work. Last night after I got home I unwound by ironing all the bricks and 4 patches. And I made this bag for Ken.
Well, I best be getting to work. "Vacation" this past week put me behind schedule.

1. Bind the chunky churn dash and the two isolette covers
2. Load and quilt a top
3. Work on the Bricks and Stepping Stones
I'm home again, Mason went to daycare this week. No one to dance and sing with now. (I'm getting good at "wheels on the bus go round and round"!) I have a ham in the oven, that will make several meals so I can work. Last night after I got home I unwound by ironing all the bricks and 4 patches. And I made this bag for Ken.
Ken doesn't take much to work with him, paperwork, schedules, newspapers, manuals on farm equipment. He won't take a regular bag, he has for YEARS used 3-4 WalMart bags all stuffed together. I hated them. They looked awful. They were noisy. So last night I made him a "manly" bag---blues and blacks as he has a black coat with that shade of blue on it. I don't think he was impressed, but he used it!
Well, I best be getting to work. "Vacation" this past week put me behind schedule.

Sunday Stash Report
Fess up time here! 22.5 yards in, none out. Bought 2 yards of black for my 4 patches, that is cut and sewn up already. Bought 11.5 yards--about 6 yards go to a friend for backing/binding her quilt, the rest I will make QOV pillowcases out of. And the last 9 yards, part is for backing my QOV (forgot I didn't have anything that would work) and the rest I will use in pillowcases. So I hope to have most this sewn up before Christmas. THEN I will have some finishes to reduce my purchases!!
I have been busy today, Mason hung out with his parents (they were having "Mason Deprivation Syndrome" and I sewed. I have all the 4 patches sewn and ironed. Enough bricks sewn to 4 patches to make two tops. And the rest is waiting for me. Glad I had that little project all ready!

Saturday Sewing
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I made it to Saturday and I'm busy sewing. Earlier this week Mason and I sewed the 4 patches together. In one long string. That is 352 4 patches in one long string. Ugh, now I have to press them!
After pressing SOME of the 4 patches I laid everything out in my queendom.

Then I counted out 112 bricks. Um, that little pile in the front of the box is 112 bricks. My box still has LOTS of bricks in it.
After pressing SOME of the 4 patches I laid everything out in my queendom.
Then I counted out 112 bricks. Um, that little pile in the front of the box is 112 bricks. My box still has LOTS of bricks in it.
Next I sewed them together.
Okay, ready to press again. Think it's time for a break! And I did all that in two cups of coffee's time.
The bricks and stepping stones pattern is a great "take along" project. I've made several of them, and it's so easy. And with 352 4 patches I have enough 4 patches made for 3 tops.
Motivation Friday
Friday, November 14, 2008
Slow start today, Mason and I have been napping. Not a bad way to end the week!
So my goals--
1. I've been working on the 4 patches for my bricks and stepping stones, but still have a pile to finish.
2. Work on the kit I brought along, haven't gotten it out yet. Oops!
3. Snuggle Mason--well that is one goal I've gotten a lot of!!
Yesterday a friend who lives 1.5 hours away came to visit. LB was off work at noon, so after lunch my friend and I went shopping. Yes, I bought fabric. And I used a coupon! I was bummed because they didn't have enough fabric of one kind, and my coupon was good for only "one cut" of fabric. So I had to pay "gasp" full price for the 2nd piece. I had forgotten I needed backing for a quilt and I found a piece that works. And I found some primitive patriotic fabric that I will use to make pillowcases.
I'm watching the weather here, I won't try the 5 hour drive home unless I know it's going to be nice.

Wednesday Ramblings
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
So far, so good. Mason and I get along great during the day, very little fussy time. I had to enlist Laura Beth to help get a picture of him with his eyes open.

Yes, Grandma took my clothes off for my bath and that woke me up!
Sometimes I entertain myself and Grandma gets time to sew. She has made herself the queendom in the basement again.

I was on her bed playing and pretty soon we both took a nap!
The 4 patches are fun to sew, I got them ready before I left SD. Today LB doesn't work, but Mason has a checkup and his first set of shots, and she is going to catch up on some work things, so I will babysit part of the day. I hope to get out later to run a few errands. We'll see.

Yes, Grandma took my clothes off for my bath and that woke me up!
Sometimes I entertain myself and Grandma gets time to sew. She has made herself the queendom in the basement again.

I was on her bed playing and pretty soon we both took a nap!
The 4 patches are fun to sew, I got them ready before I left SD. Today LB doesn't work, but Mason has a checkup and his first set of shots, and she is going to catch up on some work things, so I will babysit part of the day. I hope to get out later to run a few errands. We'll see.

Monday Goals
Monday, November 10, 2008
Greetings from Mason's house! But we have to be quiet--he's
Yup, sleeping!! We've played and snuggled and napped so far today. Doesn't he look comfy??
So I'll work on some goals.
1. Sew my black/white 4 patches together, work on the Bricks and Stepping Stones
2. Check the kit I had put together, it's what I cut when I was cleaning my cutting table
3. Snuggle and play with Mason (oops--not a quilty goal!)
Think that's all I can do this week, I'll be busy with Mason and won't be home until next Monday maybe.

Sunday Stash Report
Saturday, November 8, 2008
This week I bought two yards of different blacks. I have already cut them up to use in my Bricks and Stepping Stones project. I used one yard of stash to make a pillowcase. I also got the binding ready for two quilts. I know it looks like I've been backsliding, but as soon as I put the bindings on, that will use some significant yardage!
Busy packing here, want to be in Mankato before dark. I have my featherweight, cutting mats and rulers, my pink and white sewing box (that holds all my "necessary" items), a plastic tote holding the bricks, and in the baggie are boxes containing the cut 4 patches and another project I cut out when I cleaned OFF the cutting table.

I may not have my clothes or anything else ready, but I have my sewing packed!
I don't have any fabric (can you believe that!) to make pillowcases out of for the Heartstrings Sew In the weekend after Thanksgiving. Yes, I know you find it hard to believe, but anything that vaguely resembles patriotic colors has been used. I have bits and pieces I can maybe do trim and ends with, but nothing in bigger pieces for the main part. BUT, I have a coupon for my favorite store, so will have to stop and see if I can find a piece that would work.

Busy packing here, want to be in Mankato before dark. I have my featherweight, cutting mats and rulers, my pink and white sewing box (that holds all my "necessary" items), a plastic tote holding the bricks, and in the baggie are boxes containing the cut 4 patches and another project I cut out when I cleaned OFF the cutting table.

I may not have my clothes or anything else ready, but I have my sewing packed!
I don't have any fabric (can you believe that!) to make pillowcases out of for the Heartstrings Sew In the weekend after Thanksgiving. Yes, I know you find it hard to believe, but anything that vaguely resembles patriotic colors has been used. I have bits and pieces I can maybe do trim and ends with, but nothing in bigger pieces for the main part. BUT, I have a coupon for my favorite store, so will have to stop and see if I can find a piece that would work.

Saturday-Packing and Pillowcases
Friday, November 7, 2008
I've trying to catch up on laundry, make lists, and plan food for when I stay at LB's and Nick's taking care of Mason next week. But I was having a bit of "sewing deprivation" so I decided to try making a pillowcase. I used this link
to make this pillowcase--

It was a lot easier to follow the directions after seeing one made. So now I am ready for the Heartstrings Virtual Sew In November 29th and 30th!
I am hoping to work on a Bricks and Stepping Stones top while I am in Mankato and catch up on my blog reading.

to make this pillowcase--

It was a lot easier to follow the directions after seeing one made. So now I am ready for the Heartstrings Virtual Sew In November 29th and 30th!
I am hoping to work on a Bricks and Stepping Stones top while I am in Mankato and catch up on my blog reading.

Motivation Friday
My goals this week aren't doing so well. I am waiting to hear back from a customer about a quilt, so I haven't loaded anything. And I've decided against taking bindings to be done along to Mankato, too bulky, my car is little you know! So instead I am taking some bricks I have already cut, and the black and white strips to make Bricks and Stepping Stones blocks. Thanks Bonnie--I love that pattern.
Yesterday was spent running errands. I bought these--

I get cold feet easily, these have a padded non slip sole, will be nice when I wear my wool socks!
And then when I bought groceries, I saw this sign---

I had a coupon from buying groceries, so received an additional 7 cents off. Is this when I remind Ken he said we would take a short vacation to visit relatives if gas got to $2.00?? I FILLED the pickup.
A picture out my front door, not too bad here, 20 miles north of me the interstate just opened again.

Yes, that's a snowblower parked beside the steps. I admit to being a bit paranoid about snowstorms and cold weather. I bought this too--

I've also located my butane camping stove and have two propane tanks downstairs. And I've got two flashlights with new batteries. And those long lighters you use to light your grill, yup, got them around too!! I also have an antique kerosene lamp that works quite well. Why am I so paranoid? A couple of years ago our town was in a terrible ice storm and we had no power for five (??) days? Yes, it got fairly cold in our house. So I am practicing "being prepared"!

Yesterday was spent running errands. I bought these--

I get cold feet easily, these have a padded non slip sole, will be nice when I wear my wool socks!
And then when I bought groceries, I saw this sign---

I had a coupon from buying groceries, so received an additional 7 cents off. Is this when I remind Ken he said we would take a short vacation to visit relatives if gas got to $2.00?? I FILLED the pickup.
A picture out my front door, not too bad here, 20 miles north of me the interstate just opened again.

Yes, that's a snowblower parked beside the steps. I admit to being a bit paranoid about snowstorms and cold weather. I bought this too--

I've also located my butane camping stove and have two propane tanks downstairs. And I've got two flashlights with new batteries. And those long lighters you use to light your grill, yup, got them around too!! I also have an antique kerosene lamp that works quite well. Why am I so paranoid? A couple of years ago our town was in a terrible ice storm and we had no power for five (??) days? Yes, it got fairly cold in our house. So I am practicing "being prepared"!

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