Monday Goals--on Tuesday

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The wind has gone down, the sun is shining, and its clear and cold.  Now I can focus on some goals.  Maybe.  

  1. Load a top to quilt
  2. Work on blue blocks
  3. Continue sewing on bricks and stepping stones
  4. Sew a couple more pillowcases

Okay--I think those will be my goals this week.  I did sew over the storm, I'm just not very focused when I do!

I finished  a QOV, an isolette cover and 3 pillowcases (1 for the QOV)

I had made these  blocks a while back, and they finish to 4".  I was going to make 4 baby quilts, but instead will combine the blocks to make it about twin size.

 And I made red and white 4 patches for another bricks and stepping stones quilt.  I pulled bricks for it, avoiding all the "obviously red" ones!

And this is why I don't sew very well when the weather is unsettling!  Yes, I cut a whole stack of 4.5" squares in the wrong color background!  I will save them, I am SURE there will be a project come up where I can use them!

I also need to work on my "too good to cut challenge" with Rosewillow, and my own challenge of "get out of your rut"--I am making a chinese block quilt in "not me colors".  So many projects--I had better get going.  What are you planning for this week??


Stephanie D said...

You're going to make a twin-sized quilt out of 4" blocks.

You're a better woman than I.

Brenda said...

Well, I pulled out an older UFO.... that is what I would like to concentrate on this week!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the possibility of snow this weekend, so that will give me some time to get my butt in gear and work on my current stacks of block pieces. Hope to get this into a pieced twin sized top by Sunday.

MightyMom said...

oops, that's a lot of little squares to be the wrong color!! :-)

my goals are to alter my swimsuit and make some swimshorts to hide my fat and hairy hiney when I chill inthe jacuzzi at the gym....uh, yeah....I"m sposed to work out there too, huh?....