It's a loaf of Cinnamon Raisin bread. When it's cooled, I am going to sample it!
And then there was this really neat new toy Henrietta bought so I test drove it. I should have read the directions first, color selection has A LOT to do with how your blocks look, but I wanted to see if it was EASY. Yes, it was!
I had read about it on Elaine's blog. Hey Henrietta---I think it's a neat tool.
Tomorrow is errand day. I hope to find a bit of fabric to go with my Japanese Royalty fabric so I can work on the "too good to cut it up" challenge Rosewillow is hosting. I think I can make two quilts so I'm pretty happy. And I need to work on my "get out of the rut" challenge. More on that later!

Love the blocks!
I say wear the sapphires and rake in the compliments. ;o)
thanks for a preview of those blocks. that quilt is on my "someday" list as well, so i hope you'll show us how 4 blocks look together when you get that far.
have fun shopping!
that loaf looks good!! Have a great weekend!!!
I agree with Nancy, wear the jewels...a girl needs a bit of bling.
Good luck with the shopping....hope you find some really cool fabric. I didn't when I went Wed. Bought a lot of toilet paper though. LOLOL
oh boy, oh boy!
I've been drooling over Elaine's kladeiscopes and now yours! Tell me...what size strips did you start with?!
ps...wear the jewels shopping~you only live once! :)
Beautiful Blocks, and yummy looking bread.
yes, but the earrings will look nice.
yikes! spiderwebs!!! almost as bad as pineapples ick!!!
did I mention a friend who's doing a spiderweb out of SELVAGES????
yikes and yowzers!
I have that ruler and love it! I made my 3 doll quilts using that ruler (another look!), plus my Octagon Flowers (photo in my sidebar). Right now a friend in Canada is borrowing it for the winter - I can't wait to see what she makes with it! Elaine really has made some lovely quilts using hers too! I just love all the different "looks" you can get!
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