Thursday--Bitter Cold

Thursday, January 7, 2010
I THINK the storm has passed. Now it's just bitterly cold and lots of snowbanks. So cold I doubt Ken will try to run the snowblower today, there's no one out so there's no need!

Snow on my deck--my deck is 4 foot off the ground!

You go right off the deck into the snow--Ruby BOUNDS thru the snow!

The snow has drifted in my ramp, and the snowbanks are higher than my car.

I need to sew but I've just been doing mindless sewing. But maybe today will be better. I hope the weather is better where you are!


Tamera said...

Not really, lol. It didn't get above zero today and with wind chill, it was -40 to -30 or so.

My hubby and I spent the day outside working to get a warmer spot for my poor goats. They're VERY appreciative.

Vicki W said...


Mary-Kay said...

I jinxed this area. It's snowing but it's only supposed to be a couple of inches. Just enough to freak out all the crappy winter drivers. People here think that 2" is a blizzard. Nobody knows how to drive in the snow. I want to stay in to avoid all of them.

JuJu said...

Very cold here, gusty winds. 3 inches of new snow on Wednesday ... just barely making it back and forth to work. I want spring!

Anonymous said...

yep, that's a whole lot of snow!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I guess I don't live far enough from you Lori, because I've got the same weather. (vbg)

Sewed up some QAYG blocks today (SNOW DAY)...tomorrow it's back to pillowcases.

Viva, winter.

MightyMom said...

well, I wouldn't be leaving the house till April if I lived there!

Jackie Russell said...

WOW! This makes our 4" of snow seem like nothing.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh my gosh - do you have enough food there to just stay until the sun melts it all?

Kim said...

Snow is such fun for about five minutes, bitter cold is never fun. Mindless sewing, it's a good thing? I swear, cabin fever may be setting in early here. I've done a wee bit of sewing and have "work" that needs doing, but here I am chatting you up instead. Try to stay warm and busy quilting those pretty quilts. Take care!

Stephanie D said...

Wow, I need to stop complaining!