Motivation Friday

Friday, January 22, 2010

The weather forecast doesn't look very good.  Rain, sleet, ice, and snow.  Ken's Christmas Party for work (it was to be on Saturday) is canceled.  Thursday we moved a tractor with a loader into town, it's now parked in the backyard.  You know, just in case!  

How did I do on my goals so far??  I've quilted the batik D9P top.  I put together the baby D9P blocks, quilted it, and have the binding made.   I need to make two pillowcases and finish the binding on one of the quilts.  I pulled out an old UFO and am working on it.   And I better have some finishes because this came yesterday--

It's not ALL mine, the fabric on the left is Henrietta's, the jelly rolls, the two books, and the fabric on the right is mine.  No, I haven't added up my yardage yet, Sunday will be soon enough!  How has your week been?


Vicki W said...

Uh, yea, I think I'm not moving to Nebraska!

Mary-Kay said...

Ha! Busted! Look at all that fabric. Tsk, tsk, tsk. And I'm not moving there either.

Brenda said...

well, this week has been a cutting week, not much sewing going on, but you need to cut too, so it's okay!!!
you are doing great!!! you deserve some fun with new fabrics and books!!! keep up the energy and have some fun. No, not 'some' fun, have tons of fun!!!!!

Anonymous said...

well i just got thru ordering a new quilt pattern called "Scrappy Trails" from the Fat Quarter Shop,(uses jelly rolls and charm squares),and i think all that fabric would look just TERIFFIC made up into a couple of those quilts.
LOL, colors don't matter at all, so don't you worry about how you're gonna use that new fabric. i promise this pattern will eat that all up in nothing flat. you'll still be in the black and you won't even know what hit you.
(now see, that's what good friends are for---to cheer you up when you come home with a load of new fabric)

JuJu said...

hey woman ... you can buy all the fabric you want too! LOLOLO I cleared out some of my stash making 20 pillowcases for the Lincoln Guild!!! Now I have room for new!! Snow is melting here, we can actually see the grass! But it's been foggy foogy, no sun for a week!

Henrietta said...

Are you petting my fabric? If not why not? Mine is only 26 yards.