Instead of Motivation Friday I may have to change this to "Fess Up Friday" if I don't stay on track better!
This week I finished quilting Jane's Star. I haven't loaded another quilted, but Ken and I did raise the rollers, so I can work on that goal. My back has been bothering me, so I haven't stood to trim the Christmas Courthouse Steps, maybe tonight, with the help of a little tylenol! And now that I'm not using the rollers to quilt, I can use them to put the borders on the D9P! (I use them to lay the quilt and measure borders, works really good!)
But I did get something else done, I put together enough of those little blue 4-patches to make a top. What do you think? I did it in a total random order, just started with the piles and sewed.
Now those little squares finish to 1", so with borders the quilt will be 40x50", about right for a baby quilt. And since I made enough blocks for three more, I may have enough for a few babies!
Wednesday on Thursday
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I went to post last night and I didn't have an internet connection. It's up today (they were probably doing some sort of maintenance).
First of all, if you ever come visit me, DON'T DRINK THE WATER WHERE MY HUSBAND WORKS! Why? Something in it is causing the employees to reproduce like rabbits! Last Friday when we were at the Christmas party, I found out no less than four employees were pregnant. (now this is a small employer, probably 35 employees or so.) I don't know all of them personally, but the ones I do will make baby quilts for. The last few days I have been working on this--
Yes, lots of little 4 patches but after reading the directions I decided it would be easy to reproduce with "mindless chain piecing"--one of my favorite things to do. I am making it in multiples.
First of all, if you ever come visit me, DON'T DRINK THE WATER WHERE MY HUSBAND WORKS! Why? Something in it is causing the employees to reproduce like rabbits! Last Friday when we were at the Christmas party, I found out no less than four employees were pregnant. (now this is a small employer, probably 35 employees or so.) I don't know all of them personally, but the ones I do will make baby quilts for. The last few days I have been working on this--
Yes, lots of little 4 patches but after reading the directions I decided it would be easy to reproduce with "mindless chain piecing"--one of my favorite things to do. I am making it in multiples.
I haven't forgotten my goals, I finished quilting Jane's Star quilt, but before I start another one, I am going to have Ken help me raise the rollers, the quilt top is "dragging" on the bed of my machine.
I am still distracted by my new book, I have three different mixes going, and am about to start a 4th! This is the results of yesterdays distractions!
I think these needed a bit more baking, although they are good! The left is a European Peasant and the right is Pumpernickel.
Lost is Found
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I often set things down and don't remember where I put them. I have many pairs of reading glasses because the eye dr. said not to bother with anything but the cheapie ones for my "aging" eyes. (Not sure if I was happy with that statement or not~!) Ken often has to help me search for my glasses, keys, coffee cup, purse, book---oh, the list is endless. Often he helps me search for items he has no real idea of what they are except for my description. "You know honey--the bobbin case for the 15-91 with the finger at 11 o'clock instead of the one at 1 o'clock". Hehe, the one that evokes the most response is "Honey--I can't find my needle and I was sewing the binding on while I was in the recliner". THAT one has him jumping up wildly and whirling around because HE usually sits in that recliner! But for the last few days I have had my undies in a bunch because I could not find my box of sewing machine needles. Now, the box is small (maybe 1.5"x1.75") but it had most of 100 needles in it! But tonight as I was racking my brain, it dawned on me, I had PUT THEM IN MY FEATHERWEIGHT CASE!!!
Such a small item to cause such a big fuss in my OCD lifestyle! I had a nasty time last night sewing, I am going to bed early and read. (I spent a lot of time doing the RIP IT stitch!) I don't even trust myself trimming my blocks. I do have the roast in the crock pot and Ken will put in on when he gets off work. So goodnight everyone, my world is settled again!
Monday Goals and I'm Distracted
Monday, January 26, 2009
Monday goals, Monday goals! Okay--here they go---
1. Finish quilting Jane's Star
2. Load another quilt
3. Trim and add last 2 rounds to Christmas Courthouse steps
4. Add borders to D9P quilt
There, that should keep me busy for a week!
The Distraction---this book--

I love to bake bread. I love to EAT bread! This book has some great ideas. Right now I have some French peasant boule mixed up, and some pumpernickel. You store it in the fridge for up to two weeks, and when you want a loaf, you pull off a piece from your stored mix and very simply shape it, raise it, bake it, AND THEN YOU EAT IT!! No kneading! I have mine stored in plastic ice cream buckets. Tomorrow I am making a pork roast in the crock pot from A Year of Crock-potting Blog. I am looking forward to trying it.
1. Finish quilting Jane's Star
2. Load another quilt
3. Trim and add last 2 rounds to Christmas Courthouse steps
4. Add borders to D9P quilt
There, that should keep me busy for a week!
The Distraction---this book--

I love to bake bread. I love to EAT bread! This book has some great ideas. Right now I have some French peasant boule mixed up, and some pumpernickel. You store it in the fridge for up to two weeks, and when you want a loaf, you pull off a piece from your stored mix and very simply shape it, raise it, bake it, AND THEN YOU EAT IT!! No kneading! I have mine stored in plastic ice cream buckets. Tomorrow I am making a pork roast in the crock pot from A Year of Crock-potting Blog. I am looking forward to trying it.
Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I bought fabric this week. 3 yards of extra wide flannel for a backing to Chocolate Covered Cherries, and 2 yards to make a border for the same. I have enough of the inner fabrics to make a binding--maybe!
So the numbers for the year are 5 yards in, 0 yards out, 5 yards in for the year. But I HAVE been sewing, and soon will have some finishes.
I decided to quilt Jane M's Giant Star top with the panto Plumage and "antique satin" colored thread. The thread blends into the background areas, but still shows so beautifully. I couldn't wait to start it!
I sewed another round on the courthouse steps blocks, only two left!
So the numbers for the year are 5 yards in, 0 yards out, 5 yards in for the year. But I HAVE been sewing, and soon will have some finishes.
I decided to quilt Jane M's Giant Star top with the panto Plumage and "antique satin" colored thread. The thread blends into the background areas, but still shows so beautifully. I couldn't wait to start it!
I sewed another round on the courthouse steps blocks, only two left!
A Cajun Dish
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Judy challenged us to make a cajun dish. Tonight I made Gumbo. My sister, Ken and I tried it. I think the recipe is a keeper. We served it over hot rice with homemade buttermilk honey bread.
2 chicken breasts, cubed
1/2 lb shrimp (I used the frozen precooked)
1 lb cajun sausage
2 c. chopped onions
3/4 c. chopped celery
3 chopped garlic cloves
2 T. chopped green pepper
1 lb. frozen sliced okra
1 qt. tomatoes
3 beef bullion cubes
1/4 c. butter
1/4 c. flour
brown onions, celery, garlic, green pepper, and okra in a dab of butter. Place browned veggies in crock pot. Brown chicken breasts in a dab of butter, put in crock pot. Brown sausage, put in crock pot. (I keep using the same pan, I hate to do dishes!)
Take 1/4 c. flour and 1/4 c. butter, make a roux, brown until chocolate colored. Add bullion dissolved in 2 cups water. Cook until thick, then add juice from qt of tomatoes. Cook until thick, then add tomatoes and mash with potato masher. Mix this with everything in crock pot. I seasoned with Lousiana Cajun seasoning, a tsp of worcheshire, a dash of hot sauce, and a dribble of lemon juice. 10 minutes before serving, add the precooked shrimp.
Yes, I know there are lots of "dabs" in my recipe, but I very seldom measure!
2 chicken breasts, cubed
1/2 lb shrimp (I used the frozen precooked)
1 lb cajun sausage
2 c. chopped onions
3/4 c. chopped celery
3 chopped garlic cloves
2 T. chopped green pepper
1 lb. frozen sliced okra
1 qt. tomatoes
3 beef bullion cubes
1/4 c. butter
1/4 c. flour
brown onions, celery, garlic, green pepper, and okra in a dab of butter. Place browned veggies in crock pot. Brown chicken breasts in a dab of butter, put in crock pot. Brown sausage, put in crock pot. (I keep using the same pan, I hate to do dishes!)
Take 1/4 c. flour and 1/4 c. butter, make a roux, brown until chocolate colored. Add bullion dissolved in 2 cups water. Cook until thick, then add juice from qt of tomatoes. Cook until thick, then add tomatoes and mash with potato masher. Mix this with everything in crock pot. I seasoned with Lousiana Cajun seasoning, a tsp of worcheshire, a dash of hot sauce, and a dribble of lemon juice. 10 minutes before serving, add the precooked shrimp.
Yes, I know there are lots of "dabs" in my recipe, but I very seldom measure!
Motivation Friday Post on Saturday
Ken and I had a Christmas party last night. And a slight computer problem, I broke my wireless mouse and Friday's post had to wait until I got a new one. Whew!
But I am progressing on my goals. I loaded a top. Woo hooo!!
I added one more strip on my Christmas Courthouse steps, only three left!
I bought some fabric for a border and backing for the Chocolate Covered Cherries top, when I get time I will put them together.
Today I am cooking and baking bread, I will have lots of leftovers for the weekend and I can sew!
Wednesday Ramblings
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tonight will be Ken's first night back at work. I know he is going to be sore, can I come visit you for the next week??
Yesterday we ran a few errands, Alycia's box is shipped (watch for it Alycia!!) and I stopped at the fabric store for a few things I needed. Yes, NEEDED! And yes, shopped my stash first. Drat!
Today I will make a dish Ken loves for supper, we call it "football dip". Make with browned burger, onion, salsa, canned chili/no beans, a little taco seasoning, and Velveeta. You eat it with tortilla chips. And a pan of brownies.
I've been working on my goals. Readying a top to load. The Chocolate Covered Cherries are waiting for their border. Remember the blocks I found and I couldn't remember why I made them? I found the book where I got the idea, soon I can work on them! The Christmas Courthouse steps are trimmed waiting for the next strips. The "Manly Happy Blocks" are now a top waiting for a border.
I also love to bake, and one of my favorite things to make is bread. Here I made two loaves of raisin cinnamon bread.
I hope you are getting in the sewing time you want. The weather has warmed and I feel much more like sewing.
Monday Goals
Monday, January 19, 2009
Isn't today a holiday? Does that mean I don't have to set goals? Okay, enough slacking for the day! Goals for the week---
1. Load a quilt
2. Work on Christmas Courthouse steps
3. Work on a UFO
4. Finish Chocolate Covered Cherries to a top
Okay, that looks like a good week for me. I was going to run errands today, but then realized half the places I was going to go were closed for the holiday. But I did do a few things yesterday. Alycia--this box will head to your house tomorrow!
1. Load a quilt
2. Work on Christmas Courthouse steps
3. Work on a UFO
4. Finish Chocolate Covered Cherries to a top
Okay, that looks like a good week for me. I was going to run errands today, but then realized half the places I was going to go were closed for the holiday. But I did do a few things yesterday. Alycia--this box will head to your house tomorrow!
I will be sending it UPS because of it's size. And I trimmed my latest round on the Courthouse steps, only 4 more strips to go!
When this quilt is finished I think most of my old Christmas fabric will be gone. Next--maybe my 30's reproductions?? What are you going to work on this week??
Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, January 18, 2009
0 stash in, 0 stash out. 0's for the year so far! Been sewing madly, but no finishes. Sheesh, you'd think I'd have one pretty soon!
Decided the D9P was a bit small so made another row of blocks on the top and side. Now it will be big enough to cuddle in without my feet or my shoulders hanging out. Must be the cold weather we've been having, I need snuggle room! Today I'm going to box up the quilts for Alycia, want to send them off tomorrow. Sewed another two strips on my Christmas courthouse steps, today I will trim them. All 64 of them! Only 4 more strips to go. And, if I have time, I am going to sew my "Happy Blocks" together, I haven't seen any I would move while they've been auditioning on the wall. So although my numbers haven't moved, I'm still getting things done. So it's been a good week! How have you been doing?
Motivation Friday
Friday, January 16, 2009
Time to see how my goals are coming. I've worked on a UFO. I'm going to work on my courthouse steps tonight. I haven't loaded another quilt, hoping that goal will be achieved this weekend. And I have Ann's QOV done.
I knew I wanted to quilt this in white, but the backing was an almost solid navy blue. But I did anyway--do you like it? I used a panto called Plumage.
I have supper in the crock pot, I'm trying more recipes from A Year of Crock-potting--the Ham and Lima Bean Cassoulet. It smells really good, I think I will make a batch of fresh bread to go with it.
I knew I wanted to quilt this in white, but the backing was an almost solid navy blue. But I did anyway--do you like it? I used a panto called Plumage.
The backing is two different pieces of dark blue, but after quilting you really have to look to find them!
I now have three quilts with pillowcases ready to go to Alycia, so I will write in cards and get them ready to ship over the weekend. I have two more to quilt from Jane M in WI, they are next. Jane--do you have a blog I don't know about??
I also put together my D9P blocks into a top, I think I will give them a dark border out of the black fabric in the blocks. pdudgeon gave it a name--Chocolate Covered Cherries! The name evokes wonderful memories of my mother and grandmother--who always had those chocolate covered cherries at Christmastime. It's a great memory--thanks pdudgeon!!
Wednesday Ramblings
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It is COLD out today. Did some errands earlier, now I plan to stay home---where it's warm! I have started my grocery list, I stocked up early in December, but even the staples are starting to get low.
I have the binding sewn on Ann's quilt, I just have the hand sewing and the label left. The polka dots make a great binding.
Pat said her New Year's resolution was to try something out of her comfort zone. Hmm--good idea! I have always wanted to try making a disappearing 9 patch--so I did that last night. How do they look??
I have the binding sewn on Ann's quilt, I just have the hand sewing and the label left. The polka dots make a great binding.
Pat said her New Year's resolution was to try something out of her comfort zone. Hmm--good idea! I have always wanted to try making a disappearing 9 patch--so I did that last night. How do they look??
I think they will make a nice quilt when they are set together--I found the tutorial on Pattilou's Quilts.
Monday Goals
Monday, January 12, 2009
Okay, I think my goals will be simple this week.
1. Bind Ann's QOV
2. Load another quilt
3. Sew on the courthouse steps
4. work on a UFO--ANY UFO
We drove home last night and in places the roads were ice and/or snow packed. We took our time and it was fine. Stopped and bought a few groceries--you know, the necessities--milk, eggs, bread, chocolate! We talked about waiting until this morning, and now we're glad we didn't. It is NASTY out!! So nasty the state has called all the snowplows in, and no travel is advised. High winds with blowing snow and zero visibility.
You can see to the next lot, but the wind is blowing and my house is rattling. Good day to stay inside and nap and sew!
Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Boy, time flies when you're having fun. I haven't finished a project, so no stash used. And although I bought some fabric, it was for a quilt I was commissioned to make, so I don't count that in "my" stash. Anything left over will get counted when I'm done. So it's a boring report, zero used, zero bought.
By next week I will have a Ann's QOV done, it just needs the binding applied and sewn down. And I hope to get another quilt loaded. Since I feel better I WANT TO SEW!!
Saturday Shopping
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Today Laura Beth and I are going shopping. We have not been doing much, sitting, coughing, comparing illness symptoms! Mason has a rattly cough we all wish would go away. But no fever and Dr. said not necessary to bring him in. Grandma and Mom worry a lot you know!
Here is a picture of Mason and Grandpa--why is it men and babies always sleep when when the men have to babysit??
And Ruby the Quilting dog--well, she has her spot, her blanket is behind Mason's swing, and she naps there while he sleeps, must be keeping him company!!
Motivation Friday
Friday, January 9, 2009
Well, my cold is better, although it's not completely gone, I'M HUMAN AGAIN!!! And for a week that started off so bad, it's turned itself around. I've gotten the top I loaded on the machine quilted, and I liked how it turned out. As soon as it is "done done" I will take a picture. I also put another round on the Christmas courthouse steps, and sewed some UFO blocks into a top. They are waiting for "inspiration borders".
But we are in Mankato, arrived last night. The patient is complaining the car ride made him sore, so he is busy whining. But not too sore to entertain Mason with some "tractor noises". John Deere B tractor noises!
Wednesday Ramblings
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
It's amazing what a few days do! I'm not 100% yet, but I am doing things and want to SEW! Life is good again!
I loaded a quilt yesterday, and I trimmed another round on the courthouse steps quilt. I may try to quilt a bit today. So many options when you're upright!
And I have distressed Ruby the Quilting dog, she had two "burp rags" of Mason's she was keeping track of by laying on, and I picked them up and washed them. Now she's not sure where to lay. No goodies on the floor. The edge of a blanket hung off the couch and she tried to lay her head on that! Poor Ruby.
Ruby is such a quiet dog, she won't pick up anything and move it, just stretch her body out and try to lay on them both. When I am home she is "my" dog, when Ken is home she is "his" dog. And she doesn't care WHO is holding the leash ready to leave--she is "their" dog!!
I loaded a quilt yesterday, and I trimmed another round on the courthouse steps quilt. I may try to quilt a bit today. So many options when you're upright!
And I have distressed Ruby the Quilting dog, she had two "burp rags" of Mason's she was keeping track of by laying on, and I picked them up and washed them. Now she's not sure where to lay. No goodies on the floor. The edge of a blanket hung off the couch and she tried to lay her head on that! Poor Ruby.
Ruby is such a quiet dog, she won't pick up anything and move it, just stretch her body out and try to lay on them both. When I am home she is "my" dog, when Ken is home she is "his" dog. And she doesn't care WHO is holding the leash ready to leave--she is "their" dog!!
If we all feel good, we plan to go visit Mason this weekend. And maybe I will peek in a few quilt shops. (Shhhh--don't tell Ken!!)
Monday Goals on Tuesday!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Feeling much better today. We are hoping to go visit Laura Beth and family on Thursday, so I won't have much for goals.
1. Work on Courthouse steps
2. Load a quilt
While I was "down and out" I spent time reading quilt magazines and books, and have a new project picked out. It's scrappy, and I won't have to buy a thing! But I have to finish piecing my courthouse steps first! And a few other projects.
A Time Out
Monday, January 5, 2009
Hi-Ruby the Quilting Dog here, Lori is temporarily "indisposed" with whatever crud is going around. You know, the "share the germs at Christmas" kind. She'll be back in a few days.
Sunday Stash Report
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Quiet week here, I bought no fabric, and I haven't finished anything. But I did sew a little, a UFO has the blocks put together and is waiting for "border inspiration". And played with another UFO, but didn't feel like working on it, so it went back in the baggie. Last night I did sew two more rounds on my Christmas courthouse steps and pressed them, today if I feel like it I will trim them. Haven't loaded a quilt either. I'm not shaking this cold, and spend a lot of my time sleeping. Hopefully tomorrow will be the turning point.
Motivation Friday
Friday, January 2, 2009
I hope everyone had a Happy New Year. Pretty quiet here, we have colds. I'm finding it hard to be motivated! But I did work on a UFO that has been hanging on my design wall, I sewed those blocks together. Later today I am going to sew on my courthouse steps. But I haven't loaded a quilt yet, too much sniffling I guess.
I made 48 Happy Blocks, but mine are a little different. I made mine more "manly" as there is hardly any novelty fabrics in my stash.
Mostly geometric prints, very few florals. I will let them hang a few days and see what blocks I may move.
Did I show you what I received in the white elephant gift exchange? A Woodstock stuffed toy! Woodstock is my favorite cartoon character. And there is my new lime green notebook, I picked it up when I was at the insurance agent's, I will use it to track my stash busting efforts every week.
I made 48 Happy Blocks, but mine are a little different. I made mine more "manly" as there is hardly any novelty fabrics in my stash.
Mostly geometric prints, very few florals. I will let them hang a few days and see what blocks I may move.
Did I show you what I received in the white elephant gift exchange? A Woodstock stuffed toy! Woodstock is my favorite cartoon character. And there is my new lime green notebook, I picked it up when I was at the insurance agent's, I will use it to track my stash busting efforts every week.
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