Design Wall Monday and Weekly Goals

Monday, May 6, 2013
Its a beautiful day--I took my design wall picture outside on the clothesline--

One half the Scrappy Trips Around the World blocks are sewn together.  I finished binding Henrietta's Brown 4 patches and took a picture of that too--

The clothesline wasn't quite high enough--but that's okay--the quilt isn't hanging in SNOW!!   The grass looks pretty tough---lots of dead areas from the drought last year.   See everyone's Design Wall posts at Patchwork Times.

Goals for the week--
  1. Finish binding a quilt
  2. Finish quilting DeeDee's Star
  3. Sew more Scrappy Trip blocks together
  4. Pick a project to play with
That's enough, its a busy week, I volunteer W-Th-Fri.  I might pack a quilt to bind--that's always an easy pick up/put down project.  Maybe later today I will be able to finish quilting DeeDee's Star.  

Are you sewing this week?  The beautiful weather has me thinking about flowers and planting a garden.  


Cheryl said...

I love your scrappy trips....I'm rather partial to that pattern...and the constant dark really makes it stand out. Now the browns really interests me. Simply a wonderful quilt. I think I could do some leader enders with this one in mind.

Sara said...

Both quilts are looking great and your photo of the daffodils is gorgeous! My scrappy trips blocks are growing slowly but surely. I did 3 more strips sets on Saturday ready to turn into blocks. But I think I'll need more than I originally planned in order to make a decent sized quilt.

Rhonda said...

Very pretty quilts. Love the scrappiness of the first one and the coordinating colors of the second. Great job!!

Rhonda said...

Very pretty quilts. Love the scrappiness of the first one and the coordinating colors of the second. Great job!!

Anonymous said...

loving both quilts1 you're really making progress on that Trip quilt to have it allready half way into a top!

love Henrietta's browns and the quilting too! nice job.

Nancy said...

Two great quilts!

Pssst - it was 70 degrees here today! WaHoo, spring is here!

Dar said...

Really like your scrappy trips. I need to start one of these. Your other quilt is pretty too. You have been busy.

Brenda said...

Love your scrappy trip.

Henrietta said...

The brown was made with the last of the leftover batiks from my son's king size Yin Yang quilt. I think the neutral is Kaufman Kona natural. As always Lori does a beautiful job quilting.

Suzanne said...

I like both yours quilts. It's nice to see someone else have a clothes line. I think I am the only one in my neighborhood who has one.