Monday Goals

Monday, February 23, 2009
Okay, I've crawled out from under the covers to make this post. No, not really, those mistakes are all easy to fix or live with. I have a very busy week planned, company until Friday, so most my goals will be easy ones.

  1. Fix the square on the log cabin
  2. Put the borders on the pink Jacob's ladder
  3. Play with Tia's Wonky Stars

I can't quilt until my bobbin case arrives, so won't put any of that on my list. Tia's Wonky Star's are great fun, relaxing. I made 13 more last night. I hope to sew some into a top to mail her, the rest will go "loose" and will be combined with other peoples.

I also want to try some QAYG Heartstrings blocks, I will look into my baskets this evening.

I've been reading about everyone knitting socks, and although I don't knit, I was gifted these socks. I should have remembered to wear the black sandals, I have an orange (used to be red before they faded) and a black pair. Very comfy!

PS--I read everyone's Stash Reports, even if I don't comment. You are all so interesting!


Anonymous said...

those are really pretty sox!
have fun with your company this week.

MightyMom said...

like your socks! someone was very talented.

Katie Z. said...

I like all the knitted socks, but I too don't knit. I'm going to try crocheting some!

Unknown said...

Good job on the HST I'm still working on mine. I'm in SD too I give up on sandles this time of year. What name brand are those sandles I really like them.

Susan said...

I'm not much of a sock knitter, but LOVE wearing them. So comfy and homey. Can't beat them!

Angela said...

You got gifted good! Someone must love you bunches! LOL