Motivation Friday

Friday, December 12, 2008
I've not touched my two goals YET this week. I've looked high and low for brown fabric, I have some binding remnants left that match my UFO, and was going to make a bit more. Drat! I must have used it all. Will have to move on to plan B. And I've not loaded another quilt, the patient has been a bit demanding and irritable, and I've been hiding.
While searching for the brown fabric, I came across my stack of Christmas fabric. And so an idea was born. (OK--I was stressed too!) I decided to make a quilt/throw with string blocks and Christmas fabric.

They don't look like much yet do they??

I am a night owl, so I often sew late at night. That means Ruby the quilting dog is up with me. And I walk her late at night before we go to bed. Glad my neighbors are fast asleep, I'm not a fashion statement.
Yes, I am wearing my fleece jammies and I have slippers on inside Ken's old tennis shoes. Ruby has to walk slow so I can shuffle along and not lose my shoes!


Tins and Treasures said...

You are so funny...'the patient'...I get exactly what you mean!!
I'm anxious to see your Christmas Quilt.

JuJu said...

Lori, I hope that "patient" of yours plans on taking YOU on a special vacation or at least a special night out once he is back on his feet! Hang in there girl!

Vicki W said...

Now that's a hot look! You have more guts than me. I'd never show a photo of how I look at home - never ever. I embody comfort over fashion in my "at home wear".

MightyMom said...

well, you're not necked right!!??!!

actually I just wear whatever I like and cover it all with a long coat....or at least I WOULD...except it's 65 degrees today....


Stephanie D said...

Well, you're better than I at outdoor dressing. Most of the time I'm out there in my house slippers and nightgown--I hardly bother with a coat anymore, because it takes too long to go get one. Tandi won't go potty alone if I'm there, (but she will if J-Man lets her out) so I have to walk down the short sidewalk to the driveway so she can see me as she squats--after finding the right spot, of course!

Fortunately there aren't many houses around our immediate vicinity. If a car comes, I dash back in the house.

Anonymous said...

i don't know that any of us are fashion statements late at night...i think those days went out with the clubbing scene, LOL.

but it's sweet that your dog wants some eye contact and reassurance when she ventures forth at night.

(ps. and very smart of you to wear shoes with traction as well!)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love the jammies!! Hope you get a lot done *grin*

Susan said...

If you're going out at night in that cold, you probably need *2* pairs of fleece jammies!

The blocks look like they will make a terrific scrappy quilt!

Mary Johnson said...

In GA I used to take Chesty out late when I was dressed in my PJ's but living in a townhouse, I make sure I keep my clothes on until the last walk of the night.