Sunday Stash Report

Sunday, July 5, 2009
This was a bad week for stash busting! But it was a great week for stash enhancing! A few of you already know that in my "mailbox fun" I send out a FQ of green fabric and 5 "noodles" to each of you. So I bought 10 yards, but used 9.5 yards in the mailing! So that's 1/2 yard to the stash!

And then I needed the setting fabric, borders, and backing for my quilt from Alycia's site, and I also bought some backing for my bricks and stepping stones blocks. Uh oh--that made 20 yards more to the stash! So in one week I added 20.5 yards to the stash. That makes -28 yards for the year! But Judy, the stash report really makes me THINK before I buy, so I'm not feeling bad about the purchases. And when you think about it, one queen size quilt (my favorite size) will use about 20 yards of fabric, so I'm only 1 1/2 quilts behind!


Stephanie D said...

I have no excuse.

But what the heck--I loved every minute of it! And I boosted the economy of my local quilt shop!

Tins and Treasures said...

1 1/2 Quilt behind...oh, would take me years to get caught up! But you? Probably could get caught up during just one blizzard! I hope you are having a good weekend. ~Natalie

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

I like the way you think!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Good rationale. Plus, you should always look on the positive side....fabric shopping keeps you off the streets and out of the bars!!

Anonymous said...

more stash enhancement should be filling your mailbox on monday.

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Isn't it weird how fast it adds up when you buy, but it seems to take so long to use it?

MightyMom said...

I ain't counting. you saw those tubs in my garage!!

Darling Jill Quilts said...

I have to agree with you. Reporting sure makes me think before buying ANYTHING! It's a good thing to not buy it just because though. I need to have a specific project in mind and I have to have already looked in my stash for the fabric before buying anything new. It helps!

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

If you buy it with a plan in mind, surely it doesn't really count? It is those spur of the moment purchases with no particular plan (or required yardage) in mind that gets me every time! I definately shop with a list in hand and it sounds like you do too! Cheers! Evelyn